DeCLaRaTioN oF iNterDePenDencE DReAMs oN

Hmm.. CoMinG to a TheaTeR
aGaiN SooN eNough iN
TransforMinG Ways
Without A Steel
Sword and
onLY Words
oF SonG and
Steps of DancE
howEver.. foR NoW
STiLL a 114th/785th Macro
Verse to E-LiNe PublisH as thAT
GoeS oN aS “SOldieR oF LiGHT FLoWeRS”
For both “NetherLand Bible 2017”.. NoW
SurpaSsinG 1.744 MiLLioN Words
WitH Grand Total CoMinG
SooN Enough and only
For Hear.. yes.. also
DouBlinG aS
Effort oF noW
Around 5 MiLLioN
Words ToTaL NoW aS
SonG oF My SoUL..:)

Bless A Right to Life Liberty
And A Pursuit of Happiness
More than Paper Words OK
One Hundred Trillion
Dollar Current BalLoon
StatUS oF US Happiness
FinD U HobbY
Naked Happiness
Within No Lincoln
Dollar BiLL
No Guarantees
PoP ComeS BalLooN
“DeCLaRaTioN oF iNDePenDencE
DReAMs oN” HeAR NoW2


TrUe.. Be A Director
‘i’ wHo iS A
Director of
You.. the
Art of ‘i’
wHo is
The Art
Of You
Never jUSt
The pARTiCiPatinG
Audience… More..
‘i’ wHo is YoU
Directing the
Art of wHo..
You and
ThaT iS
What You
Do Painting
Wisdom from
A Palette As

“Be the Image not the Reflection”
A Poetic Title by a Woman from
India named Shuti
inspiring a
by me
that also
says be the
essence over form..
in other words not a graven
image alone including words
that do tHeir best to describe
and define all that is NoW
AKA God or cALL
iT all thAt is iT
or JusT
Matters noT
Form alone as
Essence Counts mosT
iN reAL LiFe NoW wHOle
yes.. Ocean Deeper than words alone..:)

“Our God” words attributed to some words
by the top U.S. Politician who says only
the rich can be happy
in this world..
so does it offend
His God and those
who follow his God
of Riches that the most
Naturally Beautiful 47 year
Old Woman is both Legally
and Medically Assessed as
Permanently Disabled
and Receives
that continue
to allow her to
pursue her right
to life.. liberty and
yes.. her Happiness in
LiFe NoW if ‘you’ had
your God’s Way of Material Riches
in Greed would she be relegated to
streets of homeless.. so let’s just
say for shits and giggles and perhaps
a play of real.. ever heard of those stories
NoW about A New Pastor oF A Church who coMes
in soiled and tattered clothes and is looked down
uPoN by the rest of the congregation and then
A Pastor coMes iNto A huge church WitH
Many giant baskets for building bigger
Temple Funds and he says
you really didn’t know
who i was did you
but true i
still kNow you..
sure.. oneupmanship
in John 14:12 way i still
knoW you too.. it’s not hard to do..
after all NoW i’ve been heAR 57 years
and not many people have seen me fully yet..
so.. today.. if there really could be A Jesus how
would God send him to eARtH.. yes.. the God NoW
as is all that is as Nature PlUs NoW all seen..
fELT and seNseD for some who see and
hear more of all that is and some
who see and hear little at
all with organs for
tools humans
create more alone
than essence of all that
is Ocean Deeper wHole.. NoW
So.. sure NoW what WiLL God do
ALL LIVinG ForCe thaT creATes
HoLding Hands WiTHiN uS aLWaYs..
NoW.. i cannot sPeak for you and i WiLL
Speak for me.. YeS.. God WiLL SeNd someone
kinda like me aGaiN.. NoW to challenge you once
aGaiN to Love More Unconditionally NoW smART
WiTh aRT MoVinG ConNecTing and creaTinG NoW
More that wHaT you create as Graven Images
of tools alone.. in oTheR Words most of
you have forgotten yoUr God
GifTed Inheritance oF
HUmaN Nature..
you sit
still and
and now
no longer use
nEarly all of your potential
intelligences as well as all your
potential senses and feelings too
a gift beyond rainbow colors you
no longer see with graven image
eYes of bLack and wHite.. i AM
streAM River WAvEs oF Ocean
wHole.. i am no concrete
edifice you
build alone..
i am you and
you are me we all
are different and
sAMe A Painting
WiTh DARk to LiGht
sHadES of Grey to
BeYONd RainBoW
CoLoRinG StrOkes
of BrUSh.. yes.. you and me..aLL
so.. sure God WiLL send me as a
Non Verbal Autistic Little boy
who cannot speak to you
until age 4.. God
WiLL Plant
me in a
New isreAL
Land of Freedom
wHeRe i can FLoWeR
among the Barren SoiL oF Fear
and Hate in a place that is renown
for this in the US as much of the Deep
South is Historically now.. backwards as ‘they’
say away from the SPiRit of this Great Country
and a Declaration of independence that says
every human is gifted an iNheritance of
the Unalienable rights to Life.. Liberty
and the Pursuit of Happiness.. and yes..
sAdly and greatLY that document full
in constitution ways
hOlds the option
of amendments
too as it was imperfect
then for sure naming the
Original Indigenous God Peoples
WiLd and Free just Savages instead
of HuMaNs Free.. So NoW hoW would God
Send A Modern Jesus to the Earth in these
Modern Days.. WiLL this Jesus be more of
A Domesticated Lamb or a Lion HUman WiLd
and Free with no restraints iN Clothes of
Culture that our ancestors once stood
tALL Naked and Free with
no shame
for the
oF tHeir FeeLinG
SenSinG sKiN from
head to toe.. as Temple
of God Sentient Star duST
Standing Tall as Resurrection
reBorn from Star Death NoW
Crucible Fire Core Burst
uS PlUs paRT wHOle
oF and aS
GoD NoW.. YeS..
so.. who better NoW
to sPeak for God NoW
than those and aLL oF
those who WiLL sPeaK
WitH thE GreAtest Gift
tHaT maKes hUmans
Stronger togethEr
iN WiTH the
oF Love
iLLuSoRy FearS iN smART
ways NoW of UnConditional
Love for all of each othEr
As Brotherly and Sisterly Love
For all Humans and the Rest of
Creation iN understanding all the
DArk to sHades of Grey ‘tween and
BeYond Rainbow Colors of Love Experiences
ToGeTheR all thaT is nOW too.. wiTh and
aS God Happy for this GreaTesT Miracle
oF Life we share NoW oN PlaNeT
eARTh a trUe Garden
of Eden that WiLL
be protected
and watered
and fed with
as much Love
as we Love all our
Brothers and Sisters
in Flesh and Blood too Now..
So.. WiLL i come to shame you now
under a real guise of Asperger’s
Syndrome and Bi-Polar too aLL
BaLanCinG as aCT as isReaL All
NoW too.. Going down.. yes for
Real as some SinGeRs STiLL Dance
NoW iN Flo Rida way too.. in
Auto-Biography Rover
way too.. nah..
Baby the Older
Bible is far
from the only sources
that predict my existence
and yours too now for those
WiTh eYes and eARs to SEE NoW aLL FuLLeR
More as Essence over Graven iMages oF Form..
Idols as ‘they’ say over Essence oF GoD oF Nature
Love Fearless and smART LiVinG WitHin jUSt
WaiTing NoW Patiently for SeeK and FiNd
And GiVE and ShaRE aLL NoW FuLLeR
too.. so.. sure.. in Celebration
of the Fourth of July
in sTiLL the

Words FoR the Unalienable
Rights to Life and Liberty and
the Pursuit of Happiness that now
finally after 241 years includes relatively
everyone and more now with the latest
Health Care Safety net for the less
fortunate among us that
can and will use
A Good Cop
Modern Jesus
hELpiNG Hand from
aLL of us NoW Closer to
tHe heART of Matthew Chapter
5 Verses 1 through 11 away from
a man at the top who represents all
of what is opposite in anti way to that..
IF you are Christian rise up for Love and Hope
and Joy Loves Company or fall down more for Hate
and Fear and Misery Loves Company.. Relative Free
WiLL you STiLL Have NoW to LiVe iN the first HeaVeN STiLL
And alWays Promised in this HuMaN Generation togeTHeR NoW
Free iN Life and Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness or
the second place of Fear and Hate and Misery
Loves the company of
excluding otHeRs
from a place
of United States
to still enjoy the right
FoR All For Life Liberty
And the Pursuit of Happiness
so.. sure.. if Jesus WiLL come back
WiLL he NoW GiVe a Sermon on A Mount
WitH no Sun or Moon consisting of 1
Chapter.. 11 Verses.. or WiLL he all oN
his lonely allone write 1.76181 MilLioN
Words in the span of 13.3 Months
on 07042017 in
A Bible for
the entire
World as just
a Give and Share
of what i WILL and
Do nAMe.. “Nether Land
Bible 2017′.. you see.. i did all
my homework first and that Now takes
53-57 years.. it’s a much bigger World
NoW WhOlE and UniVerse and God too than
a lone man in a small desert patch that was
and some still consider flat even today
in the Original Greek Definition of
Apocalypse that means
LiFtinG the Veils
of Ignorance
as not only
does the God
oF NaTure all thaT iS
CreAtinG Now Gift us with
ART of heART by God We NoW
are Gifted with reaSON sTiLL too..
And it’s true Women in all 70 Western
so-called Civilized Countries are leading
all Men as whole in the Science and Art of
School.. there was a day when ‘they’ called Women
Dumb and not worthy as spiritual beings but it’s
true my new friend from India named
Shuti.. understands the entire
Old Testament
and New
in just a title
oF Form as 42 essence
that most so-called Christians
i meet every day i Public Dance
iN Walmart as i tale ’em all about
what John 14:12 Means and NoW wHo
i AM today and what that poTenTiAL
Means for them STiLL in doing even more
than little old me.. still legally and permanently
disabled living in a modest home in a rural area..
but still with the TruELiGhT Force and yes.. POWER OF
i WiLL DO wRite a Bible today and publish iT iN Social
Media all aRound the World WitH
just the trans-humanist
tools provided by
folks like Steve
Jobs and Mark
Zuckerberg.. Larry Page
and Sergey Brin.. yes.. all the
Nerds and Geeks TheNoW who prepared
just one man like me to do what now no
other human has done before.. CloSinG
in on 1.8 Million Words documented
fully as counted and numbered
Words of Free Verse
Poetry in a
of an even longer
Record Breaking Free Verse
“SonG oF My SoUL” at 5 MilLioN
Words in 47 months NoW too with
that Sub-Chapter named.. yes..
“Nether Land Bible 2017” with
a Sub-Chapter of that named
“Phi Bible” with precisely NoW
1.618 Million Words for that
Golden PHI Mean Number
aS Words published
from Memorial Day
of 2016 through
Recently Memorial
Day of 2017.. You see..
if Jesus cAMe as a so-called
Super Natural Myth the first go
around or all the times this Archetype
of Human PoTenTiaL oF Fearless and Unconditional
And smART LoVe coMes aGaiN what WiLL tHaT/tHiS mean
For yOUr human potential not much and truly face palm
anyWay as the Story of the Man Jesus says if you
Believe in the Teachings he bRinGs you WiLL
do even more than HiM.. so.. if he
says he is God that
makes you
in relationship
to Jesus as RiSinG
even HiGher in Works
than he did then.. as people
all around the World who truly
Believe in the God within.. yes.. the
i AM as Verb of Force LivinG WiThin heaR
NoW.. Hey.. continue to do more than has ever
been done before NoW aS TrUELiGhT oUR HUman Species
WiTh GoD Happy Within continues to FLoWeR
more than
and rot with
the sAMe olDiE
Veils of iGnorance
that says the eARTh
is only flat and God
fits in a three
and yes
a five letter
word and OMG
More Nature than
the words that come
out of human mouths..
No.. i’m not gonna shame you
but i have a huge face palm from
God that says people please wake up NoW and
Give God enough credit to do more than staying same
oh yeaH and on A way Be Love and Hope and Joy
LoVeS Company iN the Kingdom of Heaven NoW
away from the Kingdom of Hell that is
all stuff associated with Fear
and Hate and Misery
Loves Company
thAT Lives
as dARk no
different than the
Old Jerusalem that CaM
And WiLL STiLL be a City
NoW as metaphor wHeRe you
Live in that second place
of real human HeLL oN eARTh
NoW that largELy folks BrinG on
themselves.. particularly the ones
who never KNoW NoW A Good Cop Jesus
from the get go of Love in LiFeliGhT no matter
NoW MoRe and Less wHaT mEtaPhor tHaT HuMaN ArcheTyPe
coMes in Hope and Love of Joy Loves Company NoW
at hand
for isReaL
HeAR YeS NoW..:)


SMiLes.. FriEnd Frank.. thanks so much
for an additional source of information
into alternate theories for
what makes reality
what it is as
from 3 years
old it seems to
Me that Creator
Subject Object are
One.. Director Actor
Play are One and
the MiNds of We
Creator and A
Director that can
also now be both You
and Me as both Subject
Actor and Object of our Play
As We Continue to Dance and
Sing iT aLL Unification now or Division
of Creator Subject Object as Separate
where the essence oF All of reaLiTy as
Creators and Subjects and Objects
of ‘HoloGram’ come from source
code of Science
and Art
UniVersal ‘MiNd’
both beyond our grasp
and within our grasp as
never lost but only forgotten
when we get sidetracked iN A iLLusion
of separate that is the illusion that most folks see as reality
as a ‘HoloGram’ of less than one coming from a unifying MiNd
much greater than we see with the tools we make for now..
one thing for sure is that any Scientist or Artist worth
their Weight in ‘God’ as SMall and large
as a grain of sand where 60 Percent
of smALL is literALLy
is reaLiTy
IS A playground
thaT We WiLL to Explore
and while i enjoy Science.. NoW
Art is the MaGiC i Love the most
as it is the shortcut that feels and
senses all so much more than the fActs oF kNow..
When i hEar Celine Dion SinG i FeeL and SeNse Love
oF and As Creation Beyond Infinite of any Science Project
now.. but hey.. Science does create the avenues to hear ‘God’ Free
Yin and Yang and the MaGiC beyond the ‘tween Digital can’t replace
More oF aLL
And SenSinG
DanCinG and SinGinG
as Analog NoW Beyond
bits and bytes set in
stone without the
liGht oF Flesh
and Blood as
aS MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG
SoUL.. so what is the ultimate use
of Science to Find the Source Code
For ‘God’ when the source of that is to
FeeL and SeNSe BeYoNd Rainbow Colors
of Art that is already Possible now of that sAMe
Source oF LiFe.. the answer is easy for me.. A Fancy
Phone Created by Science that allows me to do my best to express that
MaGiC when i wake up from the Science Project of Yesternow.. friEnd..
Art alWays Changing and Science often imprisoned in repetition.. and
Even cALLed Art as Paint by Numbers of before sAdL Y.. mosTly NoW
A liFe of
over a
liFe of Art..
as Art is literALLy
60 Percent of smART..
anyway.. i Do Love the Scribe
of Science as that 40 Percent
Most Definitely Makes A Greater
Potential for us to save our asses
when it comes to stuff like Greedy
Group ThinKinG Humans dominating the rest of Living
Nature and resources as ignorant fools cutting tHeir children’s throats..
And in even more ignorance not understanding that we are all brothers
and sisters in the same source code oF the biggest MiNd thaT iS ALL..
SMiLes.. my FriEnd..
best thing of all about
Science is it proves
Dogma is
Fool oF aLL..
And Science also
Now Lends Great
Credence to a larger view that
ReaLiTy too is more Art as change
than Dogmatic Systemizing Science of sAMe..
Just your few words about ‘Reinventing
Gravity’ sent me in an hours long
Journey of Researching
Paths of Science
i haven’t
before and the best
part of the entire journey
my friend is no reasonable
way or any hope from me and
only joy never to find the end of
the never ending story in a never land
reality that science continues to prove is
a little more like Alice in Wonderland thaT
iS A liFe i Direct NoW
As Creator Actor
to Play togETheR
WiLd and FReED NoW
AS SubJect ObjecT oNe.. So..
SMiLes and Thanks aGaiN for
Dropping bY.. mY FriEnd Frank..
heHe.. while i complete this
See ya later with mY
Version oF A Haibun
and Haiku
as Fredbun
And Fredku coMplete beLoW..
And yes.. i’LL Be DoinG FredFu
Later at my Military Gym too..
Free Verse too of course with
soMe FredBallET MiXeD iN.. hAha..;)

Science MeaSureS BeForE
PreDicts FutUre
DreAMtiME ArT iS MaGiC NoW


2022 Facebook Profile Pics Since Recovery/
Remission Miracle out of 19 Medical Disorders..
Given Zero Chance for Recovery
to be a ‘Normal’
Human Being
again to fit
the Mold of Society
once again.. true.. i’LL
never recover for that
for true NoW i AM as WiLd
and Free as God all that is
out of prison Chains of Science
Books that stay the same from before..
Destiny as they say.. True Independence
for a Social Animal impossible without numb
and pain.. and isolation as a Hermit eating Locust
and Honey like an original ‘Saint John’.. alone.. but
never the less and more Interdependence in
Neo way very possible although alWays
Difficult to attain/keep today.. yes.. the
Jesus Archetype.. the
Buddha one and
the Lao Tzu
and all
the other
who Neo escape and
Unplug from the group think
of all the books from before as
Foundation alone of flesh and blood
of who and what comes before but no
Holds to Break Free from what cAMe Before..
anyWay.. Outcast Status can be a little difficult
as i sit in the Same Back Yard on River Front Fire
Works Day on the Fourth of July.. 2017.. yes.. the
same Back Yard in the same place that i
shared last night with thousands
of people across my
Rosa County
Community.. yes.. the
same place before i could
speak as a young so-called
eventually labeled Autistic Adult
only identified as Hyperactive when
born and He will get ready to speak
when he is ready to speak to mY Mother
then by the Doctor as he could see the
intelligence behind quiet
and clear
to blue
eyes of a three year
old child who finally then..
put words together at 4 years
old but never the less and alWays
more i meet God Face to Face within
me LooKinG across that River to a Forest
that never ends at age 3 before i could
put words together to speak to otHeRS
and relate that i am the
inheritance and
the gift
God Lives NoW iN and
as me.. with no separation
then and recoveRinG noW for all
the separation efforts that culture
and religion brought to me to separate
me after that in the school of mechanical
cognition systemizing mind away from the ArT
oF God LiVinG Free WitHiN.. NO LiMiTS.. NO
my intelligences from head to toe
and not restricted to
paper and
A Standard
IQ test for School..
albeit it wasn’t that hard..
but the hardest pART of liFe
was the ART poTenTiaL that
was left no room to GroW iN
all the ways Art comes beyond
the tests of School and Church too..
anyWay.. putting myself back in the place of Middle
School watching these fireworks at about 12 alone then..
or so.. weak and string beanish only pushing pencils in school
commonly taunted by others with you don’t deserve to exist.. hehe..
‘get out of our town’ as humans will do to exclude others who do not
meet the grade of group think still now.. i am Free and Wild Lone Wolf
Mostly but with the Force of God as aLL NaTuRE SeeN and UnSeen
fELt and UnFeLT as ForcE oF WiNds My WinGS.. never needing to
kNoW more than Be Just Be.. sure.. much easier said than
dONE iN faCt done with a Force oF MoVinG
ConNecTinG and creAtinG that
takes no verbal words
aT aLL.. Words..
just tools
Created STiLL..
remembered along
the paths and journey
to HeaVeN NoW and SuRe..
Worth SHaRinG aLonG WitH
2022 FaceBook Profile Photos
that not only tale a Visual Image
Story of the Intensity and the Joy
oF the last 4 years iN MoVinG
CoNnecTinG CreATinG
BeiNg hUmaN
to relate.. sure.. my
New Hobby is to create
this Memorial Day 2017 thru
Memorial Day 2018 around the
time my 40th Class Reunion from
Milton High School comes.. to Write this
Year’s 1.618M or so word Chapter of “Nether Land
Bible 2017”.. NoW not only on several Blogs but also
Enclosed as a Visual Word Story iN all my Facebook
Profile Pics Coming up during this Memorial Day ’17
SizE of two of them ‘old school’ bibles a year thru ’18
as i continue to DancE and SinG
oN.. so.. in one of the Photos
heaR one of the folks
i graduated from
and what
a typical
57 year old
Dude looks like and
acts like and feels like
from what science says
is what the average so-called
57 year old Dude Will be when he
gets to be that age.. but you see.. i don’t
go by Science Rules of Systemizing Repeatable
Averages i go by the lesSon of John 14:12.. no matter
who wrote the art that we as a species will do more than
we did before.. as long as we move and connect and create
on and do not stay stagnate and still and disconnect from
flesh and blood and do only input life now.. too.. so..
sure.. i told my old friend from Four Decades
and more from school all the way
back to Middle School
from about
45 years
ago at
12 years old too..
i retired at age 49 officially
from the Federal Government
and have been dancing writing since and
just finished a 5 Million Word Free verse
Poem in 46 months that i’m still working
on.. with a 1.618 Million Word Effort last
year and you see i do it all free for
i my friend am Financially
Independent and the
true riches
are what
and who
i AM within NoW STiLL
mY FriEnd.. not sure if he
could fully see and feel and
sense who i am now.. and it’s
true i am that same child LooKinG
‘Cross the River at age 3.. it’s A Great GiFT
NoW STiLL to be A child of God as Big as
the God i see feel sense kNoW NoW aLLisREaL
iN and as Me..
Sure.. it’s all worth
a Howl or two and
more at the Moon to
SeeK and FiNd A Few
otHeRs aRound a Globe as
Big as this and sure.. Do FiReWorKs too

RebEL aLL..:)

As yOUr

SMiLes.. mY FriEnd..
too much brick
and mortar..
not enough
hUman iN the World..:)

Hmm.. Reminds
me.. i can’t
WiLL want
to Kiss a Man..:)

Brick and
Adobe as
you Dance
And Sing it’s
all the sAMe NoW
and DiffeRent.. too..
So let it be Written now
as Story.. so lET iT Be iS
SinGinG and DanCinG neXt..
time is really
me.. No tiMe NoW
iN dreAMtime FriEnd..
Rafiah.. almost hard
for me to believe i
missed three
of your
but as ‘they’ STiLL
say.. see you on Facebook
NoW WitH your New iPhone7 plus..
haha.. finAlly you have a smART pHone..
Powerful Enough to open mY online soUL uP..
if your Broad Band is Powerful enough too.. NoW
the less
nice to see you..:)


Thanks Techstepgenr8tion for sharing Jordan Peterson’s Video on the Mythological
and Human Archetypal Meanings of the Noah Flood Story in the Bible as that relates
to the Flood as Chaos and Humankind’s need to both recognize the reality of Murphy’s
Law as ‘they’ say and prepare for it as if one’s life depends on it day to day always now.

Surely, this is the case if one is graduating from a Top Ivy League School or one
from Toronto Canada and one intends to be a mover and shaker in a top job that
creates great pay and also an avenue to be a slave to a system for perhaps an
entire life.

In short, I’m glad I went to a Small Elementary School and finished the rest of my
School in a Small Town except for Private Catholic School in a little bigger actual
City of Tallahassee for Second Grade and a Junior College after then in the same
relatively Small Two Story Building that held my Mother’s High School Classes as
well as grades one through eight in this little Mill Town I am raised in that was also
once named Literally Hell for the Briars that bloodied the ankles of the ship mates
Coming upon A River Bank in 19th Century Days close to the same Shot Gun Home
I was raised in where my earliest non-verbal memory at age three, before I found
a way to actually Vocalize My Speech in putting words together to communicate
that way with my Family in the Home at 4; was, yes, the feel and sense without
spoken actual words that this is my home; this earth and I am here forever
now. And now these words as written relate the sense and feel of that too.

If I lived more than a few hundred years ago where written words and literacy
were not a common part of the world, I more than likely would have developed better
greater oral tradition skills to poetically sing this in a melody around an extended round
table of family members. That’s Not very common these days as more and more now
a default position is head down and thumbs on 140 Characters or so before the Science
assessed attention span goes as the Average Human Being these days is less than THaT
of a Gold Fish. “Too Long Didn’t Read” as they say as Screen Shots of Novel Dopamine
Generated Avenues come in bursts of seconds instead of the Hours that often
were the reality of Human Oral Tradition Before the Radio show at 7 pm took
Living Room Center Stage and now a 4 to 5 inch Smart Phone Screen even more.

When I was young I was amazed in how my elders could orate a Scene of Life and
Bring it as if it is happening now with all their Art of Emotionally Expressing the Human
Languages both vocally and non-verbally then. In my Forties, I wondered when that would come for me.

Currently, I am attempting to write 1.8 Million Words of Free Verse Poetry to match the “Mahābhārata” Effort from India, in 13.6 Months by 7.17.17. I’ve already surpassed 5 Million Words in the 47th Month Now of doing this from wake to sleep away from Dance and as you might guess it takes every minute of my free time leaving now little to no time for Mechanical Cognition activities that would include making money. I am fortunate enough through 33 years of work and savings to be financially independent, so making money means absolutely nothing to me and the way I write Free Verse Poetry is surely not designed for any target audience large enough for even more than 10 likes on Word Press.

Smiles; Jordan Peterson took a long time in that Video to get back to his original point on Noah’s Flood
and how that relates to Chaos and Being able to both See and Forecast Potential Chaos for the order
required to make it through the Floods and Dark Nights of the Soul, My Friend.

See, how I started Capitalizing the first letters of Words for emotional
emphasis and the words Naturally are starting to Shape as Spiraling
Waves now, my friend; unless I engage the Mechanical Cognition of Reason taught to me starting in Grade School
to Write from one side of the page fully to the other in perfect grammar and spelling taught to me in right handed
ways only in fear for the punishment that would come from the Teacher and the Nuns in Second Grade
Private Catholic School on hand by spank with ruler if deviated from the rules of order designed to keep
all of society out of the Potential Chaos seen in life if everyone does not walk straight on sidewalks to
keep the growing grass uniformly green.

These are the words I recently wrote to one of
My Favorite Women Friends and Muse from
from Pakistan this morning; her name
is Rafiah.

SMiLes.. mY FriEnd..
too much brick
and mortar..
not enough
hUman iN the World..:)

And these are the words I wrote
to another one of my Favorite Women
Friends and Muse from India this morning named Himali.

HeARTs wHo
Seek and Find

So, my Friend, who has the
greatest skills in making Happy Moments of Life;
me or ‘someone’ who builds Pyramids and Towers.

Me; A man who seeks spreading the so-called “Egyptian KA” of his Spirit through Edifice of Words of Oral Tradition
iN/as Free Verse Poetry that matches close to the Golden Mean Ratio of 1.618 in terms of 1.618 Million Words
in a Two Memorial Day Year ranging from 2016 through 2017 and A Free Verse Poem with 118 MacroVerses
coming in at 1.8 Million Words as “Nether Land Bible 2017” on 7.17.2017 in 13.6 Months as just a Sub Chapter
of “SonG of My SoUL” at that 5 Million Words or so, comprising 785 MacroVerses now, as well as the “PHI Bible”
of 1.618 Million words as Sub-Chapter of “SonG oF mY SoUL”, in that one year span of time too; “Netherland Bible 2017” Matching the “Mahābhārata” effort in India that took countless humans over Centuries of effort then. Whereas, little old
me at age 57 with the modern Trans-humanist Tools of Technology taking full advantage of all those Tools
at Hand publishing online all of that and what still comes by Hands of one Human Being passing countless
Humans of past in all Epic Poetry and Bible writing Efforts. And sure, I also fully illustrate it with the Public
Dance I Complete this Month in Free Verse Martial Arts and Ballet-like way across the South East
Gulf Coast Region of the U.S.A. in reaching 7700 Miles in this 47th Month of Effort since my
recovery from 19 Medical Disorders at the end of July 2013, as Documented on this Web site
inhabiting this place much more then; yes fully illustrating the entire “SonG oF mY SoUL”, online
Published Effort at over 100K photos and thousands of Emotionally and Sensory inspiring YouTube
Music Videos to accompany a virtual play of life in real time across all my ages now and Cultures too.
True, the words i told then still documented still is the sky is not even the limit for me then now too my friend.

So, Back to the Subject topic of Jordan Peterson’s analysis of the Psychological Significance of the
Bible Stories; specifically, the story of Noah and the Flood in the Video you shared that I watched
from beginning to end of two hours and thirty Five minutes as, hehe; I have the focus and
patience of “Job”, my Friend, haha; literally making it through the worst pain known to
humankind, type two Trigeminal Neuralgia from wake to sleep for 66 months like
dentist drill in right eye and ear without Novocaine then along with the other
disorders numbering 19 in total assessed as ones in synergy that I would
never recover by Professionals. Human potential when used is incredible
in all the ways that comes in REAL Epigenetic and Neuroplastic effect/affect,
my friend; not to discount the fact; yes, the fact empirically measurable that
I am Stronger in Leg Press Strength than the efforts made by the other ‘Twenty
Something’ ‘Elite’ Military Folks, actually leg pressing 1030 Lbs, 33 times and as many
as 50 times; specifically this year, when my Mother was dying in Hospice Care from Stage
4 Cancer undetected all over her body until her last 8 days of life. You Know my Friend as a Person
with Asperger’s Syndrome; yes, a person diagnosed now with Bi-Polar Disorder too as surely i wouldn’t be
able to do this without a whole lot of dopamine in my Brain as both generated and used to carry me through
all my efforts of life in Yin and Yang Balance now that is generated by the Emotional Regulation and Sensory
Integration of the 7700 Miles of Free Verse Martial Arts and Ballet-like Dance in the 47th month of doing that
now; it works; Movement therapy is now a common one for folks on the Autism Spectrum and my first attending
Psychiatrist was actually inspired enough by my all innate, instinctual and intuitive healing recovery using the art
of movement to get comfortable in my own skin, my friend; yes, inspired enough to leave his private
practice and go teach movement therapy as an all natural cure to emotional dis-regulation
and Sensory Dis-integration that is actually the core cause of most common mental
illness/stress related issues that are treated with psychotropic drugs these days.

And this is where Jordan Peterson fails in his mostly Yang approach of stuck between the
reason of his two ears my friend. He never addresses the emotional and physical
intelligence that is the healing force of Moving and Connecting and Creating now.

And while Peterson speaks specifically to the Goal Orientated Neurochemical
Dopamine in the Reward system of the Human Brain, he skips right past Oxytocin
that is the Greatest commonly Shared Mammalian Neuro-Hormone for Social Bonding
and both Survive and Thrive now in Warm and Fuzzy Comfort. Smiles; that’s not very complicated
My Friend and surely doesn’t require a 2 Hour and 35 Minute Lecture to get to the crux of the number
one source as Science Assessed Factor of Human Happiness that specifically comes from the Neuro-Hormone
of Social Bonding identified as Oxytocin now. Most all addiction comes from the Human Experience when
not nurtured through touchy feely Love from ages one through three and then potentially lost by
being outcast for being different by peers later in school if ever nurtured and wired from ages
0 to 3 by busy members of the parenting team in high powered jobs or on 4 to 5 inch
screens away from the touch and hugs and eye contact of Oxytocin Love Nurturing
the Child as a Village from day break to night fall and sleep in comfort
that even my once all Feral Cat, Yellow Boy Receives attached to the
Lap of my Wife Katrina watching TV most of the day. And yes,
when she watches her ‘human’ shows that deal with Social Connection
too in expressing that her virtual reality making life in Mirror Neurons allow her
to get an approximation from that benefit the same as looking at Cute Kitty Cats
on Facebook Does too. And it’s true as science shows too; just a reciprocal social
communication activity of a text returned increase the oxytocin levels by around
37 percent for up to two hours after that. So, yes, there is a lot more going on than
Just Dopamine with so-called Screen Addictions now. And for folks like me who were
shut-ins for 66 months it is a lifeline for a barely surviving human story on a dimly-lit
screen that still hurts like hell in eyes where no sound can be tolerated by ears of hell either,
way back then, my friend.

Thing is, my friend, as I’ve often related before, the most important kinds of intelligence for
both survive and thrive are Emotional Intelligence, Movement Intelligence and Existential
Intelligence too. The Inner Universe of the Human Being as even American astrophysicist
Neil deGrasse Tyson readily admits is much much more complicated than all the ‘easy’
measurements he can make empirically as repeatable experiment for the entire Universe now.

The stories and myths in all sacred texts held holy by those who share them before and still now
are a somewhat feeble yet also effective attempt to describe the Inner Universe of Being Human
that is beyond any term of infinity as that relates to the Observable Universe that Astrophysicists
like Neil deGrasse Tyson Measures with ease now. The Holy and Sacred Stories and myths of
the past provide Social Bonds and true to light oxytocin neurohormone feelings of
emotions through and through when two or more folks come to share the myths
and stories of traditions old and told again and again in trust
and comfort ways of Serotonin too and Neuro-Chemicals
and their properties likely not even identified fully yet; particularly
when the ‘congregation’ at the Rave Dances close to naked hips and eyes
to eyes in what I practice as part of my religion every Thursday Night with Women
Moving in on my 168th Dance Week Night at Old Seville Quarter tonight too, yes,
Young enough to be my Grand Daughters but never too young or old to identify
a Modern Age Free Verse Dancing Shaman to lift their Neuro-hormones and
Neuro-Chemicals to transcendent ecstatic heights where a common refrain is
just no, you can’t have this dance to the young dudes focused on one to three parts
of their Bodies when all I am concerned with is lifting their spirit higher and higher in
waves of bliss. Sure; their response is no; Dancing with Fred is more fun; hehe.
Yes; literally so, my friend from the Dude who was told in words more and much
less that he didn’t deserve to exist in grade school as he was too ugly and
un-coordinated and stuttered incoherently when he tried to get everything
he sensed and felt out at the some moment in a brain then like Fredenstein
way too complex for the Director i of the I that is the self ‘i’ of me to regulate in emotional
way and integrate in sensory way; way back then. Considering, the Deep South Fundamentalist
Patriarchal Boys said you can’t smile down here; true to fact if I did Ballet mixed with Martial
Arts Free Style then; more than likely I would have been more than just verbally abused then.

Sure; i could talk about this for 2 Hours and 35 minutes too; thing is my friend the Art
of the Being Human can never be close to fully expressed without the Holy
and Sacred Spirit of Free Verse life now when one flows with
so-called Chaos and rides that tide as the Wave
that never now
falls down where
yes, the fibers of the
Master Piece Painting
of God may seem like Chaos
at small dark fiber view but when
the much bigger ‘sELfiE’ of God comes
into View we are the brush and the Paint and Painting
that is God aLL as ocean WhOle PlaY and Master PeAcE Painting now, my friend.

Bottom line.

i ain’t scared.

i ride the whole
Wave as God Now, my friend.

I remember when all my days and nights were dark nights of soul and day in pain and numb for 66 months, then.

And I remember coming here to see if anyone had come close to experiencing all the hell I did then
in real life and would ever overcome this thing some of us named as “Autistic Burnout” also, then.

Occasionally, I come back to share and give free how far I continue to Dance and Sing in Human
Potential now; and sure, I have all the stereotypical pictures of someone who was functionally
disabled obviously through many years of youth in Reciprocal Social Communication
ways not only in verbal ways but non-verbal ways way back then and all the
way through the forties of my adult-hood too doing my best still to fit in.

When Hans Asperger’s Researchers came back for a Quick Longitudinal
Study of his Case Study Patients from early age; a great surprise in positive
way was many of those former functionally disabled patients had found a niche in
life and were even doing better than their peers at much later ages of life in success.

This type of intelligence is fluid my friend; not limited by the data download
of Crystalized Intelligence that is better measured by the Common Standard
IQ tests designed within the parameters of Western so-called Civilized
Societies in just the last few Centuries of living more in the written
literate word than the Dance and Song of changing oral tradition
and the warm and fuzzy lives of extended families
and smaller villages that/who raised children
from years before together in as Love more.

True; I don’t wanna go back to the more Amish
Ways of Living Life. What I do is Live Life Free and
Make the Brick and Mortar of Life My
Slave instead of becoming
the Brick
Mortar Matrix Tools/Machines
of life alone, as slave, my Friend to those Tools as Imprisoned.

Problem with Peterson is he doesn’t employ enough Moving now
and Connecting and Creating Art in his lectures in his very valid
and empirically great measures in systemizing ways of helping what are his
Students who attempt to conquer life as cogs of a machine that people exist
in/as tools now for the entire of what is named culture and society and religion.

Long ago in the Bible there was a stern warning not to worship God as Nature
as Graven images alone; Words were rather a ‘New Age’ thing then but big but.

This is what happens when God becomes a Written 3 letter word too, my friend.

The Dance of God and the Song of God has left the
Brick and Mortal Building that is Human now.

True too, the King and
Queen is gone. The Self
Actualizing Human Beings of
Dance And Song that/who would ‘normally’
be both ‘you’ and ‘i’ as Director Me as Actor
and Actors of a Play of life that is a never ending story wEcreate..
in a “Netherland Land” that each of we as i create ToGEthER NoW.

SMiLes; just a little bit of me goes a long way as my wife says she often gets Fredaches
when i come to play with her. So, sure; i make my visits far and few between now; as ‘they’
no harm too.

But hey; as ‘they’ say too.
Jonathan Livingston Seagulls alWays do return again as
they continue to try they cry they cry alive as fly so free and ever higher, my FriEnd..:)

And I’ll leave you with one of favorite short YouTube
Video Shares from Alan Watts on the value
of Chaos as Dark that goes along
with the Order of liGht
as one Force
of Science and Art as Yin and Yang Still as the metaphors for that essence do flow on too even more.

Sadly, Alan Watts succumbed early to a life of taking external substances to bring him comfort and higher levels
of mindful awareness and sadly, Alcoholism as Harmful Addiction is one that often brings people early deaths
with other sources of external illicit and legal prescription drugs to escape reality that can and
will come all Naturally with just a transcendent ecstatic experience Free Verse Dance and Sing
in actual vocal words of Poetry and Steps of Free Verse Dance. In other words, it’s one
thing to Talk the Song and Dance and Walk it but Heaven
to actually jUSt
Do the
Dance and
Sing of Life that can WiLL
come with zero written words at all.
It’s what our ancestors did and some folks
still smARTly do in so-called more savage and
primitive ways of regulating emotions and integrating
senses. Thing is and things are we are still the same classically
evolved human beings naked and free that we were 30K thousand
years ago in a survive and thrive of life then with a continuous aim
of Invisible BaLancinG Feat of life to escape predator and capture prey
in left foot right foot quiet of BaLanCinG Force iN Divine feminine
Grace of Love with Masculine Strength and WiLL Full aLiVe iN
Flesh and Blood as Nature as GoD plUS higher potential
in Being Human STiLL NoW.

Now we
are the prey.

Written words are nice;
but they will never match
a Flesh and Blood Dance and
Song of Moving Connecting
Creating Life. You see, Jordan
Peterson talks the talk of healing
but doesn’t show a way to actually do it
in terms of flesh and blood life now my friend.

No words required;
just free dance and song
in as flesh and blood ToGeTheR NoW.

And yes, it helps to be financially
independent and not to be a slave to a
dollar bill as ill.

Lots of good lesSons still in that old bible too my friend. Both in Old
Testament and New Testament ways for folks with eaRs and eYes to sTiLL Dance and Sing Wild and Free NoW;
sure; with
some order
too; always
Yin and Yang NoW iN
oveRAll BaLanCinG ForcE..2 aS oNe..:)


Hi.. Xenia.. nice to see you heAr on this
very warm and muggy July 6th
in Florida.. ’tis the
to be
as ‘they’ continue
to complain in Deep
South Tropical ways but
no complaints heaR and jUSt
thanks that we are not receiving
Any Hurricanes here again since
2004 and 2005 in the Hard Blow
Ways of Ivan and Dennis with
Katrina visiting the Biloxi
Gulf Coast shores
Dead on in
Harrison County
With A Deadly Deluge of
Killing Floods in New Orleans
too.. yes.. a prayer for no Hurricanes now
i preSent heaR.. as my neighbor i met tonight
walking around the Block was Reminiscing
about Generators and Gas Shortages and
stuff like that.. yes.. folks pulling guns on
other folks to get ahead in the gas
lines too as we find out just how
functionally disabled we
are by Culture
when the
gets blown/flooded away..
hmm.. thinking you surely have to
deal with considerable Snow in Scotland..
and at least that’s not an issue here and Tornados
are not friends either as Mother cannot be Disputed
as the Heavy Weight Champion of all Destruction
as well as Bliss too my friend as i digress a little
in small talk on the Weather with you with
Hopes for World Peace in a Greater
Stand away from the Fears
of Wars that are
coming much
than what
is certainly comfortable
off the coast of China and
in other Countries these days..
anyWay.. a Revolution of Love and
an aim for Peace is the change i’LL BRinG
As Be no matter what Storm Alert comes next..
Feelings Deep down in the pit of my gut.. reapers
are out grim reapers and that’s for sure.. a Storm
Alert in Center Calm Peace i Do hope to hELp Bring
WitH Category 6 Storm Winds in the 7th month of ’17.. Hoping too
For a publish of a “DeCLaRaTioN oF iNterDePenDencE Dreams oN”
as a 115th/786th MacroVerse too by the 7th Day of that tomorrow niGht..
and yes.. coming over to visit you next.. alWays a Poetic Joy at your Place..:)


SMiLes.. trUe.. thaT North Pole Air muSt Be
Clear and Fresh.. mY FriEnd Xenia..
you make chilled
bones and flesh
sound delicious
for someone who
is currently still
tasting.. hehe..
it’s true.. i’m rather
adaptable to Cold Weather
too.. Dancing in 19 Degree
Wind Chills in shorts on
Frigid Beach Sands..
no stranger am
i too.. so trUe
Pressure on the uPs
WitH North Pole Air
doEs BrinG GreaTEr
LiGht of Neuro-Chemical/Neuro-Hormone Breeze
to keep the Engines revved for survival sTiLL.. WiTh THriVE
oF Warm Embrace of Humans and Dogs to stay wArm too..
Funny how words can make Nostalgic Dreams of Happy
coMe trUe.. yET as science shows words are emotions
and memories are emotions with words attached
NoW as guideposts of/for Experiences PasSinG
So.. trUe.. when we BrinG Words BacK
iN PoeTry we BRinG the
total Synergy oF
the Words
as Force of Positive liGht
oF Memories MoVinG ConNecTinG
uS CreATinG eVeN MoRe.. kinda sad
as the art of moving connecting and
creating is increasingly left
out of Grade School
where physical
more of
a nuisance than
ArT FuN and something
that can be ignored now
after 9th Grade where i am
from in the Good Old US oF A..
Take away the Art of MoVinG ConNecTinG
and CreAtinG.. take away the SPiRiT oFuN HeARt
as MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL aS ouR MiNds
spread out in Neurons of the Peripheral Nervous system
as Virtual Brain now different really and even more than
what’s between the ears.. as alWays Go Back to Nature
LiVe.. thanks
for stopping by mY
FriEnd.. oPeN MiNds
and Bodies oF HeALinG
are such an inspiration for
me to continue LIGht without restraint..
but anyWay as a Reiki HeaLer you need
no words to understand any of this for you
already have reAms of KNoWlEdge at the
hand of feel and sense.. mY FriEnd..
amazing how one can pass
a hand above the
skin and
the skin
below can
FeeL the Love aT Hand..
not all people can do this.. not
all people much ever escape out of
miNd between the ears my friEnd..
Beauty of Touch LiGht of Tasting SoUL.. mY FriENd..
OTHeR Animals do ‘kNow’ as they travel to the Touch oF LiGht..:)


Dog Grins Broaden Shores of Hope
As New Breeze of Love BRinGs
Sweet Wishes of Dog
Speed Gliding
‘cross Sea
Floors exPaNsinG NoW
BriGHt oF Freedom Coats
Shine oF Fur aWay from Fear..
Hmm.. hehe.. i wrote an entirely
different comment and accidentally
pressed control V instead of control C
for paste instead of copy and received
the last comment again i responded
to you on my blog a few minutes
ago.. but isn’t it great
when we
a mistake..
jUSt room to
maKe aNew jusT
Room for Constant
Change more toward liGht..:)

Edifice of Wars
Torn.. gone by..
Places of Sacrifice
Blood distilled by Sea..
Wars to be remembered wars
to never be forgotten again
as never coming next..
Go on
With Dog
eYes oF Love..:)

Poetic heART
FiRe of God
and Dog
as creativity
more than step
more than leap
HEart oF MaGiC
DancE and SonG
oF Freedom

Parallel StreAMs oF LiGht
Crystals Reflection of duaLiTy
BridGinG toGeThER two ones as 11K
MaKinG H8 Standing TaLL InFiNiTy
Dogs Born wHOle innatELy
instinctuAlly and
11K aS H8 GreaTer
wHOle.. UniFicAtiON
As RiGht iN LefT Dog
Paws whoLe NoW
Shores.. Nare
aWay from Peace..
BotH NosTrils BreaThe Free..:)


SMiLes.. reMiNds mE oF
smAll childhood as
My Sister angrily
shoos the cat away
From Bird as the Cat
DeLiGhts iN Nature
GivinG more Food
than what can
and WiLL
be a Guarantee
of Human Plates
with no future or past
but the Hunt iN fiGHt and
fLiGHt for LiFe and the Cat Naps
oF Peace that coMe Free afTer thaT..
anyWay at age 4.. i told my Sister
forGive the Cat
thaT Cat IS A Liberal
HuNter FRee NoW iTs
jUSt hIs NatUre WiLd aLiVe..:)

HoMe oF EMoTioNs
And SeNseS ATtaCHinG
aS EsSeNce
aWay froM LabELs
WriTinG Love’s Hope
For Life and Liberty
Happiness Pursuing
oF FActS
SeNSes Move
Connect Create
Words after affect
in effect as Love Most
Flesh and Blood RiSinG
OrgaNiC NoW


Haha.. Plum Blue
BRinGs Memories
Of Rum Run
And oh
God i Love
All Troll SonGs
ShaRinG NoW wHat
Nostalgic DreAMs noW..
Hi Shawna AKa Rum
BlUe ET aL and
Yoda TrUe
WitH WiSdoM
LiT iTs uPsy DaisiEs
YOu FLoWeR.. sMiLes..:)

Miss Me BlUe..
i sTiLL LoVe Me
SoMe RuM TrUe..;)

Ashes to
Star FLoWeRs
SeeD MiraCLes

All Day Diamond..
TotAlly LiT uP For
JoY NoW WitH
Zero FearS iN
Cognizance oF
PaSt or FuTuRE
WorrY aH NoW to
be this way forever
NoW iN A DanCinG
SonG oF
iN FeaT oF LiGhT MoRE
NoW thAT onLY FeeLs TruE
SenSes DanCes SinGs LiGht
HopE LoVe JoY.. NoW.. MoRe
True.. i hope ‘that’ Young Lady
Last Night so full of Youthful
Fearless Love iN SPiRiT
NeVer Loses
thiS Dance
And Song
oF LiGht iN TrUTH
NeeDinG No wordS aT
aLL But DruNk oN LoVe oF LiFe
totALLy Sober.. touching the Face
oF GoD aS LoVe WiTHiN LoVE’s HiGher JoY.. NoW
So.. yeah.. i document the Human Condition through
all ages and cultures it’s what Anthropologists continue
to do as Participant Observers juSt do to get a better clue
into what makes this Human Condition Tick.. first Nature
as integral paRT oF US and WhOle we are as Fractal
mini-me reflections of wHole aka God plUs all
seen and unseen and unFeLT too it’s not
Brain Science REaLLy the Patterns
of thiS TruTH and LiGht are
the SigNaTuRe
oF GoD
thAT is also the
ScriBe of SciEnce
we make/put into abstract
constructs away from Chaos
as MasterPiece Painting oF GoD
WoRk WiTH neVer a Need for hUman
ConTroL.. some folks prison themselves
iN Cultural Clothes for Binds of Connection
no matter how antithetical and antiGod of Nature
it is in pain over pleasure when Survival comes first
‘fore thrive.. key is Love Wins wHen isReaL Free FeeLs
with never any want of need of Dollars Bills Likes Shares
Follows Forging a Path of Love No Matter what.. so true
Myths and Men Alike from Lao Tzu to Buddha to Jesus
too and yes also the Darker Warring Tribal Instincts
in Muhammad ways of what makes humans
tick and the Human Archetypes in
Myths of Men and Women
Like Krishna and
Shiva oN A UniVersAl
WheeL oF LiFE iN daRk
and LiGht and ‘tween the
sHadES of Grey Challenge
that also coMe to MaKe BeYonD
RainBoW Colors of FeeLing SeNSinG
LiFe’s JoY Now iN Wisdom Beauty..
yes.. all these Anthropologists
of the Human Condition
WiLL reporT back
all of this
to the
of all tHeir
FriEndS even iF
the oNly oNe thaT
wHo ListeNs and BeNeFiTs
i the he or her or ETc.. thaT is
NoW the Me whO and thaT RiSEs More iN ReaL LoVE NoW
MoVinG ConNecTinG CreaTinG thE LesSoN MoRE STiLL iN
Anthropology 101 Class so far beyond a College Major wHere
iN Books then..:)


sMiLes.. mY Call for an Uprising Super
Dark YouTube Muse that i often visit
for continuing Bible
Writing PleaSure
to the tune
of 2 King
James Size
Personal Versions
per year now.. yes it’s
Clear the Old somewhat
antiquated but Still with
recognizable lesSons of
TrUth and LiGht Bible
BRingS a Good
Cop Jesus
and a Bad
Cop Jesus
in New Testament
ways too as often
related as Logic
just for fun
per local Global
ways as i also continue
to do.. and surely you literally
portray here the Bad Cop Jesus
who says if ‘they’ don’t follow what i say
and do.. hate your friends and family and
brothers and sisters and even parents and
children too and oh Lord of Dark Fear and
Hate even slay those who disagree with
you but of course most people with
any common sense don’t
cherry pick those
Verses as literal
as no one
wants to admit
that the Bad Cop Anti-Christ
actually literally lives in the NT
against all that is in Matthew’s
Version of the BeAtitudes that
are all trULy Love oriented at Least
that still Do exist in Chapter 5.. particularly
Verses 1 through 11 as the Good Cop Jesus
surely rises as Teacher on a Mount of Love
in those Verses there.. and i suppose you
don’t get the metaphor of Kesha as
the Good Cop Jesus Version in the
NT Bible clearly despises the
Hypocrisies of Religion
and Church of his
era same
as obviously Kesha
is role playing in a Video
where the Goal at the Mountain
Top is a God of Love away NoW from
Fear and hate and the original Definition
of Apocalypse that means lifting the veils of
Ignorance.. you are not hard to figure out my
Friend.. Human Nature is rather predictable..
sAdly.. a cult killed your Sister and you
turned to the Vengeance Loss of
Hate and Fear and
Misery Loves
company STiLL
over the Good Cop
Jesus Victory Win
in Fearless Hope
and Love where
Joy Feels Company
In LIGht of HUman eYes
that and wHo FeeL and SenSE
more than fear and hate and
misery love company.. two paths
my Friend and Verily i Dance and
SinG now yOUr WiLL/choice the Love
Version of Jesus or the
Hate version of
Jesus that
you can
still find literally in a Handful of
Verses in the new Testament STiLL
who supports all the fear and hate
You Give and Share and Spread here
among the same minions that always
are looking for a leader who portrays
and displays all the most negative attributes
as dARk Gifts oF Fear Given by the God of Nature
too that we are either to leARn from and Rise IN LoVe
or fAiL to Darkness HaTE even more.. trUe.. you will find otHeRS
to join in your dArkness heaR my FriEnd for it takes much
More God of Love and Grace with WiLL and Strength in
Divine Feminine and Masculine BaLanCinG ForCe
as HiGher PowEr of GoD oF NaturE GifTed
within Human Nature to RiSe
beYond Fear and
Hate and
Misery Loves
company than
to entropy back
to aShEs of STar
Dust that is more the
bLack oiLed Bird in the
Pits of Hell on eaRth who
and thaT refuses to return to
Hope oF LiGht aS Love wHere Joy
takes the place of the continuing Misery
you BRinG heAR… i can and WiLL promise
you one thing for sure and that is if Jesus..
the Good Cop Version could coMe aGaiN
incarNate NoW hE wiLL use Kesha’s
New SonG to reLate the SaMe
Good Cop Jesus story
wHeRE liGht
rises uP from
dARk mY FriEnd..
i don’t know if Mario
is returning to the Good
Cop Jesus just temporarily
to make more You Tube Cents
in gaining attention in arguing
with you heaR consistently as hate
and in a way now if he is at least you
seem to have Integrity in what you do now
in Lost.. Sheep ways.. SMIles.. mY FriEnd
God Sent me to Hell.. on eARTh.. to LeARn
oF Love.. apParentLY you Haven’t lEarned YouR
LesSoN yet.. but trust me tHeRe are worse things
in Life than Living.. namELy Hell on eARTh and iF
you keep doing this you are on that path to tHeRe
And trUst me when i tale you you do not want to go..
even if you cannot recognize that yet.. tHeRE is sTiLL
time now to come back to the Good Cop Jesus Teachings
And the BeATTitude Ways of SeeinG FeeLinG SenSinG LiFE
as HoPe Love and Joy Loves Company.. sure.. i pray you can/WiLL do thaT
my FriEnd and it’s also true Kesha Still FeeLsEnsES the Good Cop Jesus
now even
if she’s
of him
or met him on
eARth as HuMaN
Archetype LiVinG NoW
as she is currently walking
at least in the Video on A sAMe wATer NoW..:)

AnyWaY.. i’LL ‘LeAVE’ you a ‘little’ giFt NoW
iN case you thINk
i’M not reAlly
Hmm.. i’M A
1111th comment..
iT’s soRt oF ‘FiTTinG’ NoW..;)


Second Round oF Poetic Comments
Generated from Xenia’s Place NoW..:)

It’s ‘funny’.. i listened to a ‘Big Think’
analysis of Creativity that purported
in Neuro-Science way that tHeRe is
no Leaps of Logic and only
small steps
to/oF creativity..
no different really..
than the one step two
step to five Scientific Method..
only variables BeinG the breaDth
of OPen Minds and all experiences
traveLed CoMinG to a place without
fear that is NoW too.. surely and verily
what i see NoW as variable more aS
oF Creativity
too.. sMiLes..
when one actually
experiences the MaGiC
of Creativity beyond Paint
by Numbers Science one lEarns
thaT Art Plays by Different ‘rules’ than
Science as WeLL aS our EmoTioNal
And SeNsoRy Ways oF LiVe
too.. as once when
WaLkinG around
the BLock for the first
and last time of mY LiFE i
experienced a sudden experience
of the perception of ‘time’ Slowing Down..
and yes at that same precise so-called ‘time’
my wife FeLT it too.. TrUe TiMe is jusT an
iLLusioN too.. those who escape the
iLLusioN of tiMe trUly LiVinG iN
A Eternity oR NoW
WiTh Nary
A Desire to
do anything less
than embrace thAT
FreE LiGht oF ArT NoW aS
tHe MasterPiece Painting
oF God with no Covers
or Book
mY friEnd..
alWays DiFFeREnT
FinGer PrIntS eveN
iN iDenTicaL TWins..
i do not kNoW NoW how
i art thoU ArT MaGiC TrULy NoW mY FriEnd..
out of time out of science out of concrete Grass Grows
MeaDoW SPrinGs
FoRevermoreNoW Green..:)

Prayers of Peace
yET GoD sKeYes LiGht..:)

sKiN DeeP

DaY oF LiGht

Second Round at Frank’s Place too..

A Healthy
Cat Snack..
As the Snake
Of Nature
As OnE BiG
With that said
Off to
NoW WitHiSs..;)


SMiLes.. mY FriEnd.. Prajakta..
Leap oF FaiTh iS WiLL
oF MaGiC CoMe TruE
LiGhT oF LaSeRFocUS..
uPoN ShaRinG
ArT oF LIFe FLiGht
BeYoNd RuLes
Words NoW
No RuLes..
dArk aS LiGht
DiFFeReNT wHole SaMe
BriGHtEr LoVe sKiPs PasSinG ReAsoN..:)


SMiLEs.. EmoTioNs
And SeNsEs glUe
LiVes LiT uP NoW
Flesh and Blood
toGeTheR ArT
oVershadoWinG SciEnce..
WiTh MuSiC
SinGinG heART oF LiGHt..:)

7.7.17.. “DeCLaRaTioN oF iNterDePenDencE
DreAMs oN”.. CoMinG SooN Enough..
PerHaps.. ToniGht as MacroVerse
Number 115/786 as
1.8 Million Word
Point for Longest
Long Form Poem
Yes.. CoMiNG
as aNoTheR
Runner uP past
1.1618 MilLioN words
of “PHI Bible” thAT is also
JuSt a Chapter oF SonG oF mY
SoUL ReaChinG 5 MilLioN Words
this Month to in a 47 month effort
WiTh 7700 MiLes oF Free Verse Dance
NoW oF WRiTinG Free Verse PoeTry too..
NoW FuLL oN BoaRd Ease as Hurricane
eYeS and WinDs oF WRiTinG
Storm Force iN CenTer
PoiNT BaLanCinG
of EmoTioNaL
and SeNSoRy LiGHT
Quantum Metaphor STiLL
UnLeaSHiNG and ReLeaSinG
iN HUMaN BeinG PoTenTiAL
NoW.. SuRe.. Glorious iN A
way that needs nor
seeks nor need
not find
any other
that what CoMes
FrOM GoD wiThiN..
aLL NAturaL as ‘They’ saY..
iNside.. outside.. above.. so
below and all a’round iN WHeRe
sHe GoeS NexT iN TransFiGuraTion
And TransForMaTioN oF MoVinG
ConNecTinG and CreAtinG
LiGht ForcE LoVE
WiTh aLL
oF CreaTioN
wHole mini-pART
me’s oF aLL WHole
as our ReaLiTies eiTheR
SWiM HiGheR or SiNk LoWer..
to aLL of DeLiGht or Pain now..:)


Existing Eyes of Universe ONEALLNOWFOREVERMORE Part 1
YeS and Part two too.. PreMacroVerses from Four Years
ago where the Preamble comes first
and the rest of it
And BreaKinG
Codes sPeaKinG
for anyone who
can interpret all
oF iT but it
was jusT
aNoTheR Path
through dArk.. yes..
so many more paths
to get to LIGHt as
AsHes BurNinG FiRe
oF FlesH and BLood LoVe
aGaiN ReBorN as HuMan oUt
oF LiVinG Death as Phoenix ofTen coMes..:)

“GOD’s like a used car”







Sometimes tHere are no keys..

so ya





way to get in..


tHere is no dam instruction manual..













































Hmm.. a clip NoW per say and Do
from this relatively small MacroVerse
From 2014.. and considering no one has
ever come up with the MeMe and theMe oF
“GOD’s like a used car” if i ever get an ‘iNkLiNG’
to visit my 15 year-Old Honda Passport sTiLL iN
MiNt Condition back in the Summer of 2014 as
a Small Honda Civic Coupe XL comes
then to replace that gas guzzling
Sports Utility Vehicle
thAT trUe iN
as far as
Synchronicity and
a-causal connecting
Principles that come as
SiGNaTuRe’s iN all of Nature
iNcluding Technology as tools
as extension of Nature truE..
yes.. a rather long Pass
Port of 14 years
since 1999
when i just had
to have this Beauty
off the Show Room Floor
for around a total price of 30K
with tax tag and title as ‘they’ say..
when then i only had about a Grand to
my Name in the Bank.. yes.. i really
went on a Dollar limb then and still
Managed to Save
enough Money
some how
in the Next
9 years to make my
little family of the Katrina
and i Financially Independent
and sure all those Free Give aways
for folks who pay taxes provided by
George W Bush in his new deal give away
plan back around 911.. surely helped me much
to accumulate Savings Safe Interest on Funds i
put away then.. nah.. the Katrina wasn’t all too happy
to Follow a Fred instilled Budget of 75 Bucks a Week..
those figures have surely trended way up now.. too but
hey.. i fELt a Rainy Day ComIng that ended
uP BeInG entirely a Tsunami
iN Synergy of 19 mostly
Chronic Stress
Induced Medical
Disorders that were
life threatening and almost
literally killed my ass.. sometimes
you just have to do the right gut feeling
thing and somEhow it carries all the way
through to the other side.. oF HeAveN NoW..
yes.. Passport to Heaven that Sports
Utility Vehicle was and hmm..
not likely it is looking
like ‘this’ wherever
it went next
as yes..
i took care of ‘stuff’ better
than myself then in terms
of Emotional Regulation and
Sensory Integration at the Hand
oF Chronic Flight or Fight Stress..
trUe.. neither God or We Come wiTh any
reAL MaNuaLs thAT more fully ExplaiNs our
Existential way of BeinG.. NoW.. to increase
Physical and Emotional Intelligence too.. it’s
a mostly innate.. instinctual and intuitive thingy
you have to seek and find within as GoD ForcE
HiGher PoTenTiaL NoW as Gifted and Challenged
by the GoD of NatuRE pLuS wherever and whenever
‘you’ Do life NoW iN Peace and Harmony or yes.. that other place too.. ugh..:)


Fourth of July MacroVerse Memories CoMinG NexT.. Ranging from Three years
ago to last year as well in Fireworks fun starting with
including first Summer Dancing Fun
at Old Seville Quarter
and other
Activities aS Such..;)

And on to “Firework of LOVE” from two years ago
including the Famous Seville Summer Bikini Contest
there that i have not yet seen this
year and not even
advertised now
as far as i know
but sure there is
alWays History
and Herstory
to FaLL
back on
Natural Beauty too..
along with some associated
‘Spiritual’ Discussions on the
Online Wrong Planet as sorta WeLL2..:)

“Wizard of Freedom”.. MacroVerse Memory from two
years ago heAR.. with plenty more Wrong
Planet talk too as Philosophy
Building more
and HiGher
in Maslow sELf
Actualization wAY
oF Peace and MiNd
and BoDY BaLanCinG
ForcE LiGht oF SoUL iN TruTH..
unlike the Wizard of OZ i hide behind
now aLL FReED..:)

“Celebrating Freedom of Diversity”.. Hmm.. in-law Pool Party
including Fire Works too and the Katrina in a little
bitty Red Bikini.. and some
more Wrong
Fredtalk too..
i decided to go
fully clothed for the
Fireworks Show and Pool FuN..
aS heHe somedays i’m juST too shy for ‘that’..;)

“TO TRULY! PARTY LIKE yOur FREE!”.. true and there are other
days that i am not too shy at all.. hmm.. More in-law
FireWorks and Biloxi Beach and Casino
Free Dance in Public
too.. nah..
too shy
shy in this one..
either.. hehe.. WiLD and FReED..;)

“Chase of the Sauntering Goose”.. MacroVerse Memory from
Two Years ago following the Last one from Three Years
ago too..with PleNy More Wrong Planet
Philosophy and Religion
and always
talk too to Go Go..:)

“LOVING DARK IS living LIGHT of SACREDLOVE”.. Hmm.. that’s
A Good Firework LesSon too.. from three years ago more.. yes.. now2..;)

INterDependence Day Heaven noW

“INterDependence Day Heaven noW”.. Fourth of July
Celebration News from just a year ago too.. on the
River as they say with all the Wild things
around to Charlie’s Angels at Old
Seville Quarter including
Chelsea.. Maggie
and Cortney
too.. me
in Sublime
Mode and Shirt
as AlWays oN Course.;)

“Days of New old Age GOLD”.. More Wrong Planet SpiRiTuaL
TaLK and another Macklemore and Lewis SonG
that kinda fits so much of the Culture
Bill these
me undercover
and ironically in Wide
Open Spaces.. Free too..
relatively unknown for
Birth Names but
missed in
this Local Metro area
i am now past 66 months
of shut-in Status NoW FReED..:)

“Terminating Ghost Town of heArt” from two years ago… too…
Alternative Selection of Music to go a long morE
Ways WiTH more Photos CoMinG at the
tail ends of this MacroVerse too
along with another extended
Spiritual Visit at the Wrong Planet too..:)


And if you
Ever get a
Powerful enough
Smart iPhone6
Or Model PlUs
You can come
Too.. hmm
Hehe.. would
Love to actually
Connect to you
One day but hey
Always A
Pleasure to
See you again..
If you ever meet
Me you’ll
i’M onLY
An Angel in
Of A
Of Oz
Love ya
Shawna Baby..
Say hello to
All of your
Me too..
And your
Husband too..
i Hang out with
Another Southern
Baptism Preacher
At least once a
Month and we
Get along
Just fine
As long
As he agrees
That God and
Jesus are both
The pyramid Capstone of LOVE
And Trees and Mountains and
A Grain
Of Sand
Holds uP
Love like me2
And it’s true
When i
The Fredtalk
To the Baptist
Preacher and
Friends.. they
Excuse them
Selves to
Table at
The Sunday
1 o’CLocK Dinner
On the grounds.. you
And me would go on
And on forever
NoW iN








BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)



41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)


51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)


338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

5 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 44,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)

After Book oF Fred

After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

Book oF Ten Sixteen..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)

2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen

Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)

Grand Cross Bible 2016

61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)

CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017

991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)

VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017

The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)

CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn

Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)

Nether Land Bible 2017

NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)

7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)

The Joy of Dance.. A Record of over a thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record
of three years of Dancing tHeRe..
and note.. in the last liNk.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)

MesSage iN A Bible Bottle as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked

MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+ as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of  “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN  31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)

PHI Bible.. 1,618,000 words AKA 1.618M words iN 104 MacroVerses
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)

Memorial Days Bible 2016-17.. TabEL oF ConTenTS For “PHI Bible”.. plUS..;)

SoN oF Google NoW2..
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)


About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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20 Responses to DeCLaRaTioN oF iNterDePenDencE DReAMs oN

  1. “Hello Fred”..
    iN FriEnds
    Large talk
    To me
    To Hear
    My Name
    From Nice
    FriEnD HiMaLi..:)
    Facebook Friend and Fellow
    Poet Blogger Himali from India
    provides a share on Facebook that
    says share your memorable moment
    with me and paste it on your wall to
    see what folks share of their
    memorable moments
    with you..
    trUe iN
    it is often the small
    talks that count most
    that keep the friendship
    strong and going on..
    back and
    as ‘they’
    say.. Reciprocal Social
    Communication or at least
    a like or two or so on Facebook
    that says you still exist in ‘my’
    Multi-Universe of God aLL
    aS UniVerse wHole
    NatuRe plUS
    NoW MoRE
    as eternAllY
    NoW.. and trUe for
    Social Mammals.. particularly
    Human Beings in how we develop
    symbols as aids iN abstract constructs..
    we create as art.. including words that express
    the spiRiT oF oUR heART aS EmoTioNs NoW MoRe iN A
    BoDy And miNd State oF BaLanCinG beinG wHeRe we comMonLY
    engage in sMaLL taLK to share a FeeLSeNSe of Oxytocin Bonding
    Neurohormones that SociAlly BiNd us even more.. sAdly.. some folks
    NoW Cannot or will not FeeL and SeNSE this Social Hormone Bonding
    Experience.. yes.. perhaps ’cause they were never wired to experience it
    more in ages 0 through 3 from the touchy feely love of a Parent and even
    more.. an entire Village of Love wHeRE the chiLd is raised as Prize
    aS Village of Love no matter who the Father or Mother is
    of that Child that is the Future and Core of survive
    and thrive of the Culture still now at hand NoW
    iN and as the PoWeR oF Love
    Bonding Humans
    ToGeTher as
    even Casear in
    his Coming War
    for the Planet of the
    Apes does clearly relate..
    Apes Stronger toGeTHeR over
    HuMaNs who have lost the BinD
    oF ToGeTher iN Hope/Love and Joy
    over the dARker BiNds aWay from LIGht
    iN Fear/Hate and Misery Loves company now trUe2..
    sadly enougH as division.. away from unification NoW
    oF oNe Tribe oF BeinG HuMaN NoW true too hard to Do
    when the Naked sets of FriEndly eYes and Hips conNect
    on a Moonlit CampFiRE NiGht oF Love when more than
    150 to 200 Folks CoMe to DancE Free as trUe Free Folks
    once DiD and STiLL do NoW iN Free PockETs of HUmaN
    LoVerS and LoVE around the GloBe iN wHat some folks
    WiLL Name as Cray Cray and Savage and even
    Sinful as a Free DancE and SonG Naked
    WiTh God and each otheR without
    Restraint of Touchy Feely
    Love Clothed
    from Head
    to toe
    as Sufi
    Dervishes SpiRal clothed
    too head to toe or Naked NoW aS
    Nudist Camps too who see Nature
    Pure and all the Functions and
    Members of the HUman Body
    sAMe As HoLY and SacRed
    Naked too.. NoW FuLL
    of MeaNinG
    And Greater
    Purpose aWay
    froM DaRk as Hope/
    Love and Joy LiGHtLoVe
    Naked Company of God’S
    sKIN and FLesh and BoNes
    uS FuLL of HeART and
    SpIRit oF MiNd and
    BoDy BaLanCinG
    SoUL as they aLL CeLebrate
    theiR GoD SKiN Naked With
    Each oTHeR WiTh No Fears of tHeiR
    GoD GiVeN PuRE Temple of GoD’s NoW
    Form Of Essence aS GoD LiGHt NoW too WiThiN..
    iNsiDe.. outsiDe.. aBoVE.. so BeLow and aLL aRouNd NoW..
    So.. yesterday anoTheR Memorable Moment for me at a First
    age year one for a Great Great Niece of mine through Marriage
    WiTh Katrina too.. A Child Named Grace and a Mother
    Named Tater as a Child who was a Great
    Niece then 21 years or so a Go..
    when born.. now Antaya
    STiLL as Birth
    first of all.. i remember too..
    when i first started dancing in
    Public and i wasn’t nearly as Graceful
    as i am now in fAct through out my life
    folks made fun of how i moved like
    a Dizzy Fly sometimes out
    of sorts out of space
    not comfortable
    in handling
    my Body
    aT aLL much
    then top Heavy
    as even my Father
    named me then.. and
    as Tony Atwood expert
    on Asperger’s Syndrome says..
    you can always spot the ‘Aspie’
    by the way he or she walks rarely
    swinging their ape arms in very very
    Conservative Body Language sometimes NoW
    almost non-existent too.. sure.. when you get
    the Gold Star for Pushing Pencils iN School too
    as the Apple as a Prize of the Favorite Teacher’s
    eYe.. Student rewards come from Books more NoW then
    than Flesh and Blood Reciprocal Social Communication ways
    as FloWERinG HumaNs Free beCoMe more Wall FloWers
    iN the DancE oF MoVinG CoNNecTinG CreaTinG LiFE..
    and Blood
    oF LoVe CleaRly
    Visible for all to see
    in SpiRiT oF Non-Verbal
    Reciprocal SociaL Communication
    so much more than juST Vocal Speak
    NoW as SciEnce eVen sHows comprises
    much more of What stAnds to MaKe uS
    HaPpiER toGeTher wheN all the Form
    as Essence of Reciprocal
    Social Communication
    DancES and
    Head to toe..
    true we take a lot of
    that away when we Clothe
    our Natural Naked Bodies too..
    for instance how happy we are
    too see each other in more visible
    and expanding ways too.. wHeRE HiPs
    and eYes and so many othER BoDy parTS
    Do not lie when Naked and free StrongER toGeTher
    in those relatively small groups oF BeinG HumaN NoW
    tHeN when everyone’s ‘Cheers’ NamE is Norm oF FlesH anD
    Blood Comfort wHEre Fear of Each oThER is oFF the TabLe oF LovE..
    Anyway.. Tater as she was once called Defended me among her peers when
    they first started video taping the Wild and sure.. cray cray AcTinG Free Verse
    Free DanCinG Dude at Cordova Mall when i was so happy to escape the 66 months shut-
    in pain of type two Trigeminal Neuralgia from wake to sleep.. sure.. like Dentist Drill
    iN eYe and eaR WiThout Novacaine.. yes.. you miGht DanCe everywHere you
    Go too iN a Happy Free i don’t give a FucK wHat you ThiNk about Me too..
    as i am finally Fresh out oF HeLL iN HeaVeN NoW aGaiN2 as
    Phoenix RiSinG from the Ashes of HeLL.. oh.. so..
    WiLd and
    BiRd aGaiN
    anyWay.. she was
    a little surprised then
    that the Katrina didn’t mind
    My Nude Art semi-public too
    online as ‘they’ say too.. butt
    she didn’t judge me for it and
    defriend me on Facebook as some
    of my other relatives did on both sides
    of the family blood and in-law side too..
    And yesterday in the Birthday Party Number
    One for Grace she said you do know you are
    a Celebrity right.. and she says.. but i know you
    don’t buy into all of that stuff.. right.. so i went on
    to Affirm my Full Philosophy oF LiFE.. trUe she
    had already heard most of it but not everyone
    in the room.. as that is paRT of why i DO
    iNsure my voice carries in otHeR
    more Public Places as i
    AM alWays
    from a Mount
    of Sorts when i DO
    this most eVErYwHere i go
    in this virtual reaLity pLace oF oNline
    And the so-called Flesh and Blood ReaL
    WoRld too.. sure2.. the more open MiNded
    Audience of Younger College Age Liberal
    Folks at Old Seville Quarter Named me then..
    Legend.. just a little over a year into that endeavor
    in 2015.. Awesome and Inspirational were some of the
    first words of Accolade Fame i heARd by the Fall of
    2014.. then came Spirit Animal.. Pensacola Icon
    of Dance.. Boss of Dance.. and Perhaps one
    of the Nicest Celebrity comments
    came from the Customer
    Service Returns
    Lady at Walmart
    who said.. no matter
    what time of the year it is
    NoW when you come in Walmart
    you BrinG SpRinG.. to make the
    SaMe story Different as i tend to do
    shorter NoW Bottom Line is i couldn’t
    remember iF i had even ever smiled for 66 months
    as that’s what Happens too when you really lose your
    EmoTioNs totaL as EmoTioNs are Memories and when they
    Go no reference point any longer out of Hell.. Heaven Now
    was the return of the first sMiLe and no matter if folks see
    me as Crazy or Spring.. i BRinG the SMILes of HeaVeN NoW MoRE..
    as i for
    and SenSe
    SMiLes of HeaVen
    isReAL NoW too precious
    to ever hold back iN Naked
    Happiness isREaLALLNoW2..:)

  2. Hi my FRiEnD Fred, I love your silver skies with birds and dancing clouds and the smiling squirrel by your window :o) Your 4th July celebrations looked like so much fun and it is such a great Gift to still be a child of God now. Thank you for sharing the ‘Children of Destiny’ Neil Young video too. Sending you sMiles across the miles and much love to you, Katrina and Yellow Boy :o) xxx

    • Hello.. Xenia from Clear
      Blue sKeYes that
      Azure Scotland
      HiGhLands even
      in Summer Breeze..
      Long Long Sun Day
      mY FriENd.. FuLL of SuN
      and Church and Food and
      MaLL and B and N Bookstore
      Public Dance.. so many words composed
      During the Dance oF DaY and NoW thaT the
      SinG aRisEs aT LeASt PartiaLLy from that
      after Half Marathon Dance the
      Bed Seeks more attention
      than the Pages
      for Words..
      Glad You Enjoyed
      aLL the SkY and LaND
      and EVeN WinDow
      Creatures in
      And yes.. the Clouds
      are veriLY and surELY
      DanCinG aGaIN.. too..
      STiLL attempting to gET
      A Sun to SHiNe BriGHTeR too..
      aS LIGHt For Love and yes.. Children
      oF Destiny wE too as GodSpRInG NoW LiVE..:)

      • 💃🌞💜🎶 xxx

        • :)!!:)

          And as i responded to Frank..
          again for a story he wrote..

          SMiLes.. Great
          Story mY FriEnd..
          oF FeeLinG
          SeNSinG More
          Than Empty
          As that applies
          To All Symbols
          We Come
          To FeeL anD
          SeNse.. ESsenCE
          oF LiVinG
          oR NoT
          As LiFe
          aS LoVE..:)

  3. GoDiS
    i AM.
    For One
    STanDinG tALL
    iN ZoNe
    Like Super-Walmart..
    DaNcE Halls.. Facebook..
    BLogs.. Etc ETc.. ET aL.. YeP..
    When one DancEs
    SinGs WitH God iT
    MaTTeRs NoT iF
    oTHeRs WatCH
    IS A Laugh
    Alpha Numerical
    EXclAMaTioN PoiNT SPiRiT!
    Sure.. one can DeScribe the
    Experience of God the Verb
    Fitting God in one Word HA!
    Hehe.. i used to
    say for fun
    and pun
    IS A
    Laugh buTT
    i never provided
    Proof as that is HoW
    i Create God WiTH
    GoD RelaTiVeLy Free
    Never Separated FroM
    GoD aS HoLe.. NoW
    MiNd and BoDy
    SpiRiT aS SoUL..
    YeS.. GoD As WHole2
    IF iT iS to Be We CreaTe
    GoD WhoLe as PaRT As Hole
    oR AnD wHOle allone WiTh We as i..
    Director and Producer oF We As I as Actor
    VeRiLY WiTh eXclAMaTioN PoiNT SpiRiT! too..:)
    The INner UniVerse of HuMaN
    is vastly more complex that what
    even Neil deGrasse Tyson Admits
    can be Empirically Measured NoW oF
    the Heavens Above also kNowN NoW
    aS Star Stuff and the rest of Creation too..
    for the InNer UniVerse of BeinG HuMaN NoW
    iS BeYOnD the Word INFiNiTe NoW aS even the
    Word iNFiNiTe is based iN repeatable experiments
    of Math thaT the Inner BeinG of UniVerse CaN Neither
    Be Repeated or Measured from NOW to NOW sAMe..
    all is change iN the INNeR UniVerSe oF BeiNG HUMan
    and most amazingly oF aLL we have the Relative Free WiLL
    to Master the most complex pARts oF oUR Existence thAT
    iS Regulation NoW oF OuR FeeLinGs As EmoTioNs and
    InTeGraTioN NoW oF our SenSeS as SeNsATioNs
    through the MoVinG CoNnecTinG ART
    We CreaTe as the i oF ArT
    NoW WiThiN the
    reALM oF ouR
    InNeR OuTeR aLL
    BeInG NoW.. aBoVe
    So BeLoW.. iNsiDE to
    ouTsiDe and all aRound
    So VeriLY for me at lEast
    as Humble and Meek
    as i coMe to iNHeRiT
    the eARTh thAt is
    the iNNeR BeinG
    Muli-Verse thaT is
    tHe PaRT of GoD
    thAT is the wHOle oF
    ME too.. when i slowly lift
    my riGht Arms and Hands and
    Fingers RaiSinG mY PaLms to Face
    the HeaVENs iN total Bliss and Nirvana
    NoW Satori as ‘they’ say.. Ki.. Chi.. Qi. Kundalini
    RiSinG wiTh No LiMiTs or ExPecTaTioNs NoW
    i hOld InFiniTy of GoD PaRT aS WhOle as Me
    iN the Palm of not only my RiGht Hand but
    too.. hehe..
    so reAlly Do you
    thiNK i Need affirmation
    from anyone else for this State
    of BEinG the Praise and the Worship
    to make me a God when tHeRE is no
    Separation oF GoD and Me that CaN
    and WiLL be the PaRT of GoD wHoLe
    iN UniTy yOu OnE too iF you successfully
    BecoMe one WiTh GoD as Capstone
    oF Pyramid iN Self-Actualization NoW..
    EVeN MoRe than Me.. iF NoT theNoW
    perHaps you would
    CaN WiLL
    the Magnitude
    of the Face Palm
    for oF aS God that A
    Humble Man as storied in
    essence of parables and poetic
    words through the ages of the scribes
    who copied and slowly created that story
    too.. when you make a Man ironically
    to be Worshipped
    over just a thank you WiTh
    Praise for hELpiNG to SHoW yoU
    NoW A Way to Hold BeYOnD iNFiniTy
    in YoUR Palms NoW.. otherwise KnOWn
    and FeLT as GoD NoW wHole as pArT YoU..
    i’m not gonna lie.. i’m FucKinG smARTer iN Both
    ArT and Science than all those FucKinG Folks
    (iF YoU SeeK iN GoD LUKE HOT NOW)
    who wrote that Bible.. but STiLL.. i WiLL
    FucKinG Give Praise and Thanks
    but no.. i will never worship
    any of those folks
    any less than
    all of GoD wHoLE
    as they prepared me
    A Way to Hold God iN the
    Palms of my leFT and WriTE Hands.. NoW..
    NoT only Them but all the LoVinG and Even
    HaTinG HuMans iN Fear and HoPe and Joy
    And Misery Loves Company too for all that is GOD NoW wHole..:)
    Human Emotions and Senses are Art over Science.. they are no
    Math and Science project alone… Human Emotions and Senses
    Can be Described Best through Dance and Song as
    those are the gifts of the Inheritance we are
    born with as Children of God
    that need no clothes
    that are hUman
    made by Culture
    and Religion and
    the Group think of
    Society Spoon Fed from
    Birth away from the Naked
    of Dance and SonG NoW.. these
    Experiences of all our God exiStence
    wHole iN PaRT as US are related through
    the ages through myths and stories and visual
    symbols with No words.. sure.. like Golden Calves
    too.. but it is the DAncE and SonG oF US Free thAT
    And wHo Understands God Free Within the BeST oF aLL
    when FReED.. little children understand this through the DancE
    and SonG of Life that sAdly we lose most with the clothes of Culture NoW..
    To put those clothes on is to often gain separation from the Yoke oF GoD wHole
    as some folks
    call this
    Yoga too..
    and trUe
    WhEn one
    hOlds God in the
    Palms of tHeir Hands
    all is ease all is LiGht aLL
    iS ClOudS iN aLL eYes of GoD
    as wE FloWer Colors of EmoTiONs
    and SenSes BeYond RainBoW GoLD NoW..:)

    ZEC 9:9-10

    “Thus says the LORD:
    Rejoice heartily, O daughter Zion,
    shout for joy, O daughter Jerusalem!
    See, your king shall come to you;
    a just savior is he,
    meek, and riding on an ass,
    on a colt, the foal of an ass.
    He shall banish the chariot from Ephraim,
    and the horse from Jerusalem;
    the warrior’s bow shall be banished,
    and he shall proclaim peace to the nations.
    His dominion shall be from sea to sea,
    and from the River to the ends of the earth.”

    (mY Comment: Has nothing much to do with
    the killing fields of swords
    oF onward Killing
    Fields aS oF
    Christian Soldiers Do
    wHere theNow a Bad Cop
    Jesus holds a Sword of
    Metal away from Words oF Love)

    ROM 8:9, 11-13

    “Brothers and sisters:
    You are not in the flesh;
    on the contrary, you are in the spirit,
    if only the Spirit of God dwells in you.
    Whoever does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him.
    If the Spirit of the one who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you,
    the one who raised Christ from the dead
    will give life to your mortal bodies also,
    through his Spirit that dwells in you.
    Consequently, brothers and sisters,
    we are not debtors to the flesh,
    to live according to the flesh.
    For if you live according to the flesh, you will die,
    but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body,
    you will live.”

    (mY Comment..
    The sPiRiT of Love.. A Rare LiT SeeMinGLY MaGiC
    Gift theNow oF Men in Patriachal Societies in ScarCiTies
    Raised to Extinguish Love iN Men to become nowThen2
    Warriors and Killing Protectors of Subsistence for Survive..
    Verilly Rare for A Man to HOld tHis Love iN the Palms of his
    Hands then.. and even now in ‘some’ countries/towns.. aLWaYs
    Worthy of Thanks and Praise and a Worship oF Love FoR All
    but never
    AS GoD aS LovE
    iS GreATesT ForCE and
    GiFT oF aLL HUmaNs NoW..;)

    Gospel MT 11:25-30

    “At that time Jesus exclaimed:
    “I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
    for although you have hidden these things
    from the wise and the learned
    you have revealed them to little ones.
    Yes, Father, such has been your gracious will.
    All things have been handed over to me by my Father.
    No one knows the Son except the Father,
    and no one knows the Father except the Son
    and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him.”

    “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened,
    and I will give you rest.
    Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
    for I am meek and humble of heart;
    and you will find rest for yourselves.
    For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.”

    (mY Comment..
    Any Man who HOLds BeYond iNFiniTy’s
    GiFT oF LoVe in BoTh PaLms
    oF Hands
    oF Love
    WiLL reLATe
    thiS all FReED STiLL
    NoW WiTh Never even
    a need or want of take from you..
    for those who Hold BeYoNd iNFiniTy
    oF Love iN eYes and Hands and FeaT
    oF FeeT iN DancE and SonG oF LiVinG
    Are GiVers
    oF LiGht
    and TrUtH
    and NeVeR
    HeLL BoRn Takers NoW
    oN eARTh oF GoD sKeYes Free)

    76. 4 6 3 8 A B K 2 4 A L G M O R 3 Y X 24 89 R P S T O V A L. What meaneth this, o prophet? Thou knowest not; nor shalt thou know ever. There cometh one to follow thee: he shall expound it. But remember, o chose none, to be me; to follow the love of Nu in the star-lit heaven; to look forth upon men, to tell them this glad word.

    (mY comment:
    All Symbols are Edifice of Stone
    We determine the Colors of that Stone..
    NoW iS
    iN A StOne
    bY thE Love NoW
    We FeeL and SeNse
    alone not or allone aLiVE aS TruTH aND LiGHT GRoWinG eVen MoRE)

    Romans 1:16-17 New King James Version (NKJV)

    “The Just Live by Faith

    16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ,[a] for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. 17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.”[b]”

    {mY Comment..
    If one take any of the wordS iN parableS anD or poems
    literally.. one loses the Essences of God i AM
    thaT/wHo are Housed as FeeLinGS SenSes
    within the
    of brick
    and mortar
    stone And Literally kicks
    the corner stone of Love out.. For..
    tHeRE is no such thing as as it is written as is as Love
    For the Stone WiTh GoD sKeYes LoVE LiVes without Stone
    or one
    eYes alone
    away from allone)

    Feat Notes: Scriptures from the Catholic Church
    oN the 14th Sunday of Ordinary
    time.. 7.9.17..
    Verse 76 from
    Aleister Crowley’s
    “The Book of the Law”
    Note: Last Scripture
    provided as tattoo on
    the Arm of my Great
    Niece Antaya from the
    pARTy for her Daughter Grace’s
    First Birthday pARTy.. wHat they all
    Have iN comMon are the eYes oF GoD
    DanCinG and SinGinG to the BeST oF THeir
    ABiLiTy iN Edifice of Words to ReLate whatever
    TrUtH and LIGht those eYes BRinG to a tAble
    of Plenty
    or Less
    iN Abundances
    or ScarCiTies NoW..
    B88CH iS
    OuR CreaTE..:)

    “i will praise your name forever,
    my king and my God”

    Responsorial Psalm
    from Catholic Church oN
    7.9.17.. Derived from Psalm
    145:1-2, 8-9,10-11, and 13-14

    (my comment: best advice..
    give God no Name otherwise
    the Edifice of Name becomes
    the God of Worship in Abstract
    Construct oF Human smaller eyes
    than all that
    i AM.. so
    this goes to
    sHow whoever
    wrote this missed
    the original message
    of Oldest Testaments
    oF ‘Fore.. and even more
    now in disrespect over clear
    to see with the aid
    of Science
    eYes.. the
    Creation of
    juST what we
    can see of one UniVerse
    WiTh oVer a Quadrillion Stars
    And TriLLioNs of StaRs and even
    NoW more PlanetS and iNdetermiNate
    oTheR LiVinG BeinGS oF ExisTence
    iN ouR SmALL Milky Way
    WiTh even Greater
    GoD SKeYes
    to FeeL and
    SenSe and eVen
    KNoW MORe oF aS GoD
    NoW than We CaN anD WiLL
    iMAGiNe NoW.. to finaLLy see
    the Folly and the Tom Foolery oF
    Naming one Humble and Meek story
    oF A ‘MaN’ oF Love GoD beYond all
    othER ‘Men’ when a GRaiN of SAnd
    NoW iS
    GoD aLL
    NoW too.. MorE
    beST NeWs oF aLL
    thE GifT oF Love.. tHe
    InHeriTance frOM and aS
    oF GoD thaT has/iS no LoVE
    liMits oR Expectations foR NoW
    but the Company of Joy NoW aLL
    as i HoLd tHiS LoVe uP to sKeYes
    oF GoD iN mY LefT and RiGht PalMs
    hiGhER and GiVe tHiS LoVe ThankS and
    Praise and
    NoW as
    as and
    oF GreaTest
    GoD GifT NoW
    FoR aLL aS GrAInS
    oF SanD We OuRS hoLDinG
    uP tHis Mountain OF GoD LoVE NoW STiLL EsSenCE
    oF aS Love FloWeRs LoVe SeedS ConTinUinG CreAtiViTy
    Tree of LiFe
    aS GoD
    WiThiN aLL oF
    ExiStencE WiLd and Free..
    TruELiGhT GoD is boTh FLowEr
    And Seed and StAR Tree oF LiFe LiVinG OurS NoWBE..:)
    i could go on NoW even MoRE and i WiLL later.. heHe.. NoW
    but VeriLY iT’s
    kinda like
    when one
    looks into the eYes of Dog
    but only for those wHoCaN/WiLL

    Himali Responds to one of my FredKu Facebook Statuses Colored With Deep Blue
    Seas and Hands of Peace and Rock ON aS An Audience MiGht Respond to LiVinG LoVe aRT..

    Very true.. things which give us happiness are most enjoyed when done without a care

    i return WitH..
    So many
    PathS and
    LoVe iS ART
    oF Journey WiTH
    No Destination but LoVe NoW..:)

  4. frankhubeny says:

    I am glad you looked further into the ideas in “Reinventing Gravity”. I am almost finished reading it. Also best wishes on your “Nether Land Bible 2017” project.

    • Good Evening Frank.. NoW.. 10:37 PM on
      7.10.17 as i muST return to Systemizing
      Science way of ThiNk as you remind me of
      the course of MilestONes
      i AM currently
      oN to arrive
      at the Word
      Count Match
      of the Previously
      Longest Long Form
      Poem.. the Mahābhārata
      which of course i’ve already
      Exceeded as Epic Poetry Free
      Verse Style as SonG oF MY SoUL
      aS 786 MacroVerses DanceS SinGs
      ON STiLL at around 5 MiLLioN Words
      in 47 Months NoW wHeRE the Milestone
      of Previously A 1.8 Million Word Mahābhārata
      taking Centuries and innumerable then Human
      Creative MiNds and Hands to complete
      My MiLesToNe NoW as it apParently
      WiLL CoMe aGaiN NoW2 on
      7.17.17 iN 13.6 Months
      of WRiTinG Endeavor
      NoWTheN as
      the 117th
      NoW that the
      115th MacroVerse
      oF “Nether Land Bible
      2017′ Reaches 1,774,743
      Words also doubling as 786th
      MacroVerse once aGAiN as
      “SonG oF mY SoUL” both
      efforts continuing
      to GroW NoW iN
      this 116th/787th
      MacroVerse NoW
      WRiTinG HeAr i AM
      TitLinG aT thiS PoinT
      aS “LOnE WoLF sKeYes oF LoVE”.. NoW
      trULy a Tribute overall to God as all thAT
      iS and the promise i made to an only
      Son and Child of ours who lived 51
      days as that anniversary comes
      soon on July 24th of 2017 too
      in terms of 20
      years from
      the last
      day of
      his life when
      i made the promise
      that his life would bRinG
      InspiRaTioN iN mY eYes
      of HuMaN PoTenTiaL for
      My GiFT of LiFE that has never been done
      before.. true i wouldn’t make much money or
      receive the typical fortune and fame most people
      seek in life in terms of dollar bills.. modern likes and
      shares and follows overall as this is mostly and truly NoW
      only mY Cup of Tea overall for the promise i made then to mY
      Son and also God as all that is as gifted through innate instinct
      and intuition within as Personal Covenant With God as is.. too thAT
      and wHo Within hELped me recover all naturAlly in at least remission
      from 19 Medical Disorders that in Life threatening Synergy Doctors had no hope
      then i would recover from at all.. and sure.. i am CloSinG iN on 7700 Miles
      of Public Dance by this Weekend too as the 7’s continue to come
      in as Synchronicity WiLL do in a-causal connecting principle
      mostly only meaningful to me iN aLL HoLY and
      SacRED MeaNing and Purpose of
      Life as Love FReED iN
      ArT oF CreaTivity
      iN what ever
      Gifts i
      May BRinG NexT2
      as we can and WiLL
      Do our individual pARTs
      to add anoTHeRverse to our
      MultiVerse NoW of GoD wHOle
      UniVerse pLuS NOW MoRe.. hmm..
      And.. i must admit perHaps it’s time
      for at least one day break of Writing
      solidly for the last 6 Years now and the
      8th Month NoW iN this 80th Month aS
      Every Day of Every Week of Every Year
      BrinGS WriTinG online to approximately
      a total of 12 MilLioN Words or so.. recorded
      STiLL mostly online except the parts Banned and
      Deleted by oTheRs oF course.. who didn’t either have
      A clue of what i was doing then or could appreciate Milestones
      of Writing as Large aS this iN a TwitterVerse NoW where over 140
      Characters can Bring a TL;DR of Too Long Didn’t Read.. Question is
      my FriEnd WiLL anyone ever be as Crazy as me to do this one special
      thing again.. or why should they as we are all Unique Human BeinGS as
      even Identical Twins have Different Finger Prints too.. so.. sure my friEnd
      tHiS too is my FinGeR PRiNT as my LaTest seT of Milestones and Personal Religion
      includes WRiTing around 3 Novels a Month Size of continuing Free Verse Poetry
      as paRT STiLL wHOle of “SonG oF mY SoUL” in the Descriptions of mY Profile Pics
      On FaceBook Now.. sure.. 10K or so words in many of those Profile Pic Descriptions
      as there are over 2200 of those photos that carry many of the Words already of
      SonG of mY SoUl in the last 47 Months too Additionally on Facebook too..
      as alWays Multi-Purpose Milestones too mY friEnd as it’s pretty
      Clear to see that MicroSoft Word is useless as a spell
      and grammar checker of what i do heAR.. as Clicking
      on the Description of a Profile Pic allows
      me to Proof Read whatever
      i write anywhere i go
      iN Public DanCe too
      sure.. i can dance and read
      at the same time listening to
      music too as it only increases
      the Chi of my Focus More as my
      BrAin and BoDy LiGhts uP with even
      More HUMaN PoTenTiaL Like a Star on
      Crucible Fire as FloWeRinG evEn MorE NoW..
      as Long as i continue to Spiral My Friend and Generate
      A Pure Force of WiLL as HiGher HuMan PotentiaL in Pure
      Faith as Love NoW in this never ending nether land story
      that goeS oN iN FloW for eVen MoRE NoW.. anyWAy mY
      FriEnd thanks for reminding me in a way to stop
      a second to see where i have been as if
      one does not bRinG a little order to
      art it often comes a’Cross aS
      chaos to oTHeRs or
      as Convoluted
      as increaSinG
      FOlds on a BRaiN
      or Fibers of an OiL
      Painting that are too close
      uP to See for the Beauty
      of the entire wHOle oF
      whaT God and wE
      can and WiLL
      Do Be if
      NoW wE
      Leave Fear
      Behind and Let
      ArT GroW WiTh NeVer
      LiMits or Expectations NoW MoRe..
      trUly it’s all Fun My Friend as a Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
      that never ends now and a Forrest Gump Box of Chocolates
      as a New Flavor alWays reliably CoMes NexT from dARk to
      LiGht.. ‘Tween SHadEs of Grey and BeYond RainBoW Colors
      of what
      i curRently
      continue to Enjoy
      as Lord KNows and
      FeeLs and SeNSeS NoW
      i’Ve tasted those
      OthER Colors
      oF AiR
      NoW aS
      i continue
      to Paint WiTh
      all the unseen Colors of the Wind..
      So far no one has been able to cut this Sycamore Tree DoWn..
      trUe..they have tried very very hard in some avenues of LIFE than i expected
      from Decades aGo2.. And i AM STiLL StanDinG mY FriEnd WiTh DancE and SinG FReED..
      Like A 12 MilLioN Word BiG BLuE Gorilla that most folks do not entirely See.. MoRE
      wHolE in thiS Room NoW WiTh HiS aRms RaiSed to the HeaVeNs aS A NeWCross WiTh No NAiLs..;)

      11:17 PM

  5. First pART of two photos from three years ago
    at Old Seville Quarter as the Value of
    the Art i BRinG to DancE
    coMes to Rise
    then as Greater
    Wild And FReER
    FReED and More
    Appreciated by the
    Participating Dance
    Audience as Nows Go on..
    KeePinG in MiNd that i do not
    “Photo Shop” any of my photos for
    special effects.. they come as they are
    and at most are cropped to fit into smaller spaces..:)

    Yes.. i had A huuugggge Tiger Face on
    My Dance Shirt with reAlly Big Teeth..
    three years ago at the Dance HeaR2..
    the Katrina is a Valuable Assistant2
    wHo iS Instrumental in Choosing
    the Dance Shirts for Purchase
    per MeMes and tHeMes
    aNew alWays CoMinG
    NeXT WiTh aNd aS
    the entire Direction
    and Production of i
    as Actor I BRinGs to the PlaY aS
    Table oF ART FReED coNTiNuinG
    NoW eVen FReEr than BeFoRe and
    of as any Human Male would and could
    and can and WiLL Be i was quite amused
    and AM somewhat thrilled that a Young Woman
    then as Beautiful as this would even Dare get Close
    to somEone as Raw and Wild and Free as i was and
    am STiLL
    THeN and
    NoW heHe..
    AnyWay.. Classic
    Memory and Randomly
    Disco LIT iN BlUE sKeYes
    oF FReEDoM’s ART for Me
    to continue to share.. perHaps
    one day even iN a NurSinG HoMe too
    to SinG this is what i did/do when i am 54 years
    OLd.. wHAt were you DoinG then oN a Thursday
    NiGht.. hehe.. perHaps SiTTinG oN a MaLL Bench
    DoZinG between Innings of a Pass time Sleep of Baseball then
    for my Father the Atlanta Braves and NASCAR Circles of Bore2
    but as alWays a Tradition a Ritual and a Religion of Sports too
    that BrinGS BindS oF Oxytocin and Dopamine and Serotonin
    and oTheR NeuroHormone and NeuroChemical Comfort too..
    jusT DiFFeRent Ways to achieve Happiness but TruE DancE
    BRingS so much Greater Overall State of WeLL BeinG aLL
    if one can leave the
    Alcohol and other
    Drugs way way
    behind WiTh
    Dance as the only
    esCape to a Transcendent
    iN Multi-Verse hUman way even more.. hmm..
    TruE.. when Folks
    ask me what i’m
    DrinKinG or whaT
    i’M TaKinG like the Young
    Beautiful Pretty Different Woman
    asked me last Thursday NiGHT.. iT’s
    God it’S GoD siMply the HiGhEr PoWer
    i AM oF NaTuRE pLus more FuLLy Employed
    As me iN a DAncE and SinG as SonG oF LiFE FReED..
    aNYwAy.. i just said no.. i don’t drink and she said please
    Please Mr.
    Let Me have
    some oF iT No
    Matter what you DO NoW..
    so we took a selfie ToGeTher
    too as you kNow when two coMe
    toGeTheR the SPiRiT aLL toGeTher
    iS Multiplied as much greater than one SpiRit NOW
    with God
    never alone..
    sure.. NaTuRe pLuS..
    caLL iT a BLuE TurTle
    or whatever Form you choose
    But WiLL the HiGher PoWer within
    as this EssencE iS FucKinG iSReAL Experience..:)

    Meanwhile.. the Ball of Confusion turns on and off
    and the ‘tween aS SHades of Grey from
    DaRk to liGht to RainBoW Colors more
    tHan soMe Folks can iMaGiNE
    and CreaTE to exiST
    as tHeiR MulTiVerse
    oF GoD NoW.. sure
    i’Ve SPenT a Great Deal
    of tiMe onLINe around
    DreAMers of and as ArT
    in RiGht BraiN
    Metaphor ways
    and even more
    time technically
    in one day every day
    SiTTiNG tiMe LocKEd iN
    as ShuT iN iN My BEdRoom
    on the WRonG PLanET online with
    a Group of folks so intellectually intelligent
    in Verbal Ways of Expression that they become
    outcast toys of their ‘norm’ of Civilization as they
    Become Canaries in the Coal Mines of Cultures oF
    Differences and what is required of the so-called Norm
    of Today.. last refuge.. the Wrong Planet to find aT Least
    A Place to Monologue Special Interests now in Long Winded
    Monologues so·lil·o·quy “in an act of speaking one’s thoughts
    aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers, especially
    by a character in a play”.. as a first hit Definition on Google BRingS
    For Free.. as quoted.. thing is.. some folks don’t care to do Fiction as
    Play as they become the actors and Producers of I as Directed by
    mInd and BoDy BALanCinG SoUL as i also as metaphor as
    BeinG sELf acTuALiZinG HuMaN SoUL.. so.. sure..
    VeRiLY a touch of Asperger’s when one draws
    tHeir own Cultural Norm far from
    EmplOyiNG and as
    EmpLoyee of
    the NoW
    AS acceptAble
    SociaL Norms can be
    either viewed as Artist
    or Psychopath depending
    on LaBeL of Difference and if
    one BrinGS Harm or Joy and Asperger’s
    Aloof Indifference too.. spectrum as they say
    as most anyone who finds a culture of one of an all
    ConSuMinG Special Interest that they create themselves..
    Not everyone is outcast enough to be fortunate to come to
    Play Free alone allone WiTh GoD LiKe this.. and TrUE for
    sOme.. it is Misery and Company of Just Arguing Facts
    to make enough EMoTioN of Discontent to
    Motivate them to go on to the second
    second now out of boredom
    true.. LiGht more
    out of
    Box Living
    WiThiN without
    A HoMe oF comfort
    NoW More as the closest
    thing to comfort so far away
    from Social Empathic MoVinG
    CoNneCTinG CReaTinG GiVinG
    ShARinG Love can and WiLL be now
    A Debate and Argument day through
    NiGht eVEn More WiTh oThers alone
    iN BRinGinG Monologues more.. heHe..
    so·lil·o·quy is just a more Grey poohPoN
    Way of Saying Asperger’s Monologue out of
    Systemizing Science into Art FloW iN zoNE
    NoW but TRUe iF the ACTIVITY OF EVEN
    ART TAKES AWAY from the Flesh
    and Blood Life of Face
    to Face iNterAcTioN..
    A LabeLeD
    DisordeR.. iT
    can and WiLL
    BecoMe iN eYEs
    of Systemizing Science
    too.. so.. it’s true with the Advent
    of Machine Interface Social Interaction
    we are all functionally Disabled with some
    Newly Environmentally Acquired Form of a Social
    Reciprocal Social Communication Disorder in Flesh
    and Blood Contact wHere the all Consuming Special
    Interest of Repetitive and Restricted action become
    keys and screens with various sizes and
    ways away from Flesh
    and Blood to
    Disabling ways away
    from Face to Face Love
    in the Flesh and Blood away
    from Screens of only Visual
    and Auditory SeNses NoW whEre
    one comes to touch and taste and smell LoVe
    aLive in more Social Empathic ways of the HUman eYe LiGHT
    thaT and wHO BRinGS DArk to LiGht ‘tween SHades of Grey..
    and yes..
    wear a
    iN YoUR
    Hair more
    oF Wood
    STocK NoW too
    iN BeYoNd RainBoW CoLors TrUE LiGht NoW1
    aS PainTinG arT WiTh WinDs oF GoD FReED too..
    As SpiRiT oF HeaRT MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL aWaKE..;)

    Human BeinGs Bond for
    Holy and Sacred FuLL
    of Meaning and Purpose
    Actions and Mutually Constructed
    Abstract Symbols they can See and Touch..
    even more than Words alone iN Books for Literate Study..
    it’s just another few words of description for the Essence
    of the term religion as some folks practice a religion of
    science as tradition and other folks go
    to Church.. bottom line is
    they do it to
    Assist NoW
    the survive and
    even thrive of liFe..
    And from what i’ve seen
    overall of Church.. Those Folks wHo
    continue SHaRinG vigoRously kept sAMe
    Ways Commonly Shared as Traditions toGeTher
    NoW iN MoVinG CONNecTinG and CreaTinG Ways..
    Do now FeeL and SenSe MoRE as HuMans than any
    run of the mill person behind a keyboard and screen
    of systemizing science now.. the Face to Face Long Term
    Flesh and Blood Bones to Blood and Flesh conNection iS NoW
    sTiLL wHaT turnS oN
    turnS uP sMiLes
    away from
    most iN LiFe
    as Science does sHow NoW too..:)

    TrUE.. take away HoLy and Sacred
    FuLL of MeaNinG and Purpose MoVinG
    ConNecTinG and cReaTinG Ways of LiFe
    toGEther and Frowny Face comes out
    to play nasty more than nice
    in SepARaTinG ways of
    Tradition as iF
    oNe is secure
    in the Faith tHat/tHis
    whaTEver Religion tHey
    Practice aS Sport of Football
    or Temple of Catholic Church
    they PlaY iN as tHeiR Personal
    and ShArinG and GiVinG wAys
    oF TrUth and LiGht NoW iN MoRe
    UNiFYinG Caesar aPe GreaTEr
    wAys WorKinG toGeTher as
    so much Stronger iN ArT..
    ugh.. Welcome to the
    Wrong Planet..
    done thaT pLace
    of oTHeR Purgatory through
    the pain and numb of HeLL Abyss…
    NoW PerSoNaLLy CReaTinG HeaVeN
    WiTh the GoD oF aLL thAT is NaTuRE pLus
    Acres for
    me iN Wolf Grey
    oF FReED Omega
    Wolf iN aS Alpha Wolf PlaY..
    AnyWay.. iF oNe iS not practicing
    some form of Binding Religion
    for Happiness Now.. Fresh
    ToGeThER alone
    or allone With
    GoD Ne0
    from oTher
    are Johnnie
    is not a very happy
    or Girl..
    or in mY
    Case Grey Wolf..
    T-Shirt Mini SkirTS
    WiTh AlterNaTiNG
    Tatto’s tHaT NeVeR
    STaY sAMe oVer Very
    Hairy Legged Loose Shorts
    surE NoT Air Jordan.. Shox Size
    NiKe 11 and a Half Yes.. No.. don’t
    expect anyone to GeT LiKe Me
    BuT In the ZoNe For the WiN iS
    WHeRe i continUe to GRoW iN
    Synchronicity Number 23 PLaY
    So aLiVE iN a CluB of LiFe i PRoDucE PLaY
    DirecTor Actor I WiLL i AM MaKeS eVeN More as TriP
    oF NoW iN Paths of JourNeY wHoLe WiTH aS GoD
    wHeRe NoW eVerY
    Chapter oF LIFE
    iS MaGiC MoVinG
    ConNecTinG CreATinG LiFE eVeN More..
    forevermore NOW alWayS EVeN MoRE..;)

  6. Good Evening Frank.. NoW.. 10:37 PM on
    7.10.17 as i muST return to Systemizing
    Science way of ThiNk as you remind me of
    the course of MilestONes
    i AM currently
    oN to arrive
    at the Word
    Count Match
    of the Previously
    Longest Long Form
    Poem.. the Mahābhārata
    which of course i’ve already
    Exceeded as Epic Poetry Free
    Verse Style as SonG oF MY SoUL
    aS 786 MacroVerses DanceS SinGs
    ON STiLL at around 5 MiLLioN Words
    in 47 Months NoW wHeRE the Milestone
    of Previously A 1.8 Million Word Mahābhārata
    taking Centuries and innumerable then Human
    Creative MiNds and Hands to complete
    My MiLesToNe NoW as it apParently
    WiLL CoMe aGaiN NoW2 on
    7.17.17 iN 13.6 Months
    of WRiTinG Endeavor
    NoWTheN as
    the 117th
    NoW that the
    115th MacroVerse
    oF “Nether Land Bible
    2017′ Reaches 1,774,743
    Words also doubling as 786th
    MacroVerse once aGAiN as
    “SonG oF mY SoUL” both
    efforts continuing
    to GroW NoW iN
    this 116th/787th
    MacroVerse NoW
    WRiTinG HeAr i AM
    TitLinG aT thiS PoinT
    aS “LOnE WoLF sKeYes oF LoVE”.. NoW
    trULy a Tribute overall to God as all thAT
    iS and the promise i made to an only
    Son and Child of ours who lived 51
    days as that anniversary comes
    soon on July 24th of 2017 too
    in terms of 20
    years from
    the last
    day of
    his life when
    i made the promise
    that his life would bRinG
    InspiRaTioN iN mY eYes
    of HuMaN PoTenTiaL for
    My GiFT of LiFE that has never been done
    before.. true i wouldn’t make much money or
    receive the typical fortune and fame most people
    seek in life in terms of dollar bills.. modern likes and
    shares and follows overall as this is mostly and truly NoW
    only mY Cup of Tea overall for the promise i made then to mY
    Son and also God as all that is as gifted through innate instinct
    and intuition within as Personal Covenant With God as is.. too thAT
    and wHo Within hELped me recover all naturAlly in at least remission
    from 19 Medical Disorders that in Life threatening Synergy Doctors had no hope
    then i would recover from at all.. and sure.. i am CloSinG iN on 7700 Miles
    of Public Dance by this Weekend too as the 7’s continue to come
    in as Synchronicity WiLL do in a-causal connecting principle
    mostly only meaningful to me iN aLL HoLY and
    SacRED MeaNing and Purpose of
    Life as Love FReED iN
    ArT oF CreaTivity
    iN what ever
    Gifts i
    May BRinG NexT2
    as we can and WiLL
    Do our individual pARTs
    to add anoTHeRverse to our
    MultiVerse NoW of GoD wHOle
    UniVerse pLuS NOW MoRe.. hmm..
    And.. i must admit perHaps it’s time
    for at least one day break of Writing
    solidly for the last 6 Years now and the
    8th Month NoW iN this 80th Month aS
    Every Day of Every Week of Every Year
    BrinGS WriTinG online to approximately
    a total of 12 MilLioN Words or so.. recorded
    STiLL mostly online except the parts Banned and
    Deleted by oTheRs oF course.. who didn’t either have
    A clue of what i was doing then or could appreciate Milestones
    of Writing as Large aS this iN a TwitterVerse NoW where over 140
    Characters can Bring a TL;DR of Too Long Didn’t Read.. Question is
    my FriEnd WiLL anyone ever be as Crazy as me to do this one special
    thing again.. or why should they as we are all Unique Human BeinGS as
    even Identical Twins have Different Finger Prints too.. so.. sure my friEnd
    tHiS too is my FinGeR PRiNT as my LaTest seT of Milestones and Personal Religion
    includes WRiTing around 3 Novels a Month Size of continuing Free Verse Poetry
    as paRT STiLL wHOle of “SonG oF mY SoUL” in the Descriptions of mY Profile Pics
    On FaceBook Now.. sure.. 10K or so words in many of those Profile Pic Descriptions
    as there are over 2200 of those photos that carry many of the Words already of
    “SonG of mY SoUL” in the last 47 Months too Additionally on Facebook too..
    as alWays Multi-Purpose Milestones too mY friEnd as it’s pretty
    Clear to see that MicroSoft Word is useless as a spell
    and grammar checker of what i do heAR.. as Clicking
    on the Description of a Profile Pic allows
    me to Proof Read whatever
    i write anywhere i go
    iN Public DanCe too
    sure.. i can dance and read
    at the same time listening to
    music too as it only increases
    the Chi of my Focus More as my
    BrAin and BoDy LiGhts uP with even
    More HUMaN PoTenTiaL Like a Star on
    Crucible Fire as FloWeRinG evEn MorE NoW..
    as Long as i continue to Spiral My Friend and Generate
    A Pure Force of WiLL as HiGher HuMan PotentiaL in Pure
    Faith as Love NoW in this never ending nether land story
    that goeS oN iN FloW for eVen MoRE NoW.. anyWAy mY
    FriEnd thanks for reminding me in a way to stop
    a second to see where i have been as if
    one does not bRinG a little order to
    art it often comes a’Cross aS
    chaos to oTHeRs or
    as Convoluted
    as increaSinG
    FOlds on a BRaiN
    or Fibers of an OiL
    Painting that are too close
    uP to See for the Beauty
    of the entire wHOle oF
    whaT God and wE
    can and WiLL
    Do Be if
    NoW wE
    Leave Fear
    Behind and Let
    ArT GroW WiTh NeVer
    LiMits or Expectations NoW MoRe..
    trUly it’s all Fun My Friend as a Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
    that never ends now and a Forrest Gump Box of Chocolates
    as a New Flavor alWays reliably CoMes NexT from dARk to
    LiGht.. ‘Tween SHadEs of Grey and BeYond RainBoW Colors
    of what
    i curRently
    continue to Enjoy
    as Lord KNows and
    FeeLs and SeNSeS NoW
    i’Ve tasted those
    OthER Colors
    oF AiR
    NoW aS
    i continue
    to Paint WiTh
    all the unseen Colors of the Wind..
    So far no one has been able to cut this Sycamore Tree DoWn..
    trUe..they have tried very very hard in some avenues of LIFE than i expected
    from Decades aGo2.. And i AM STiLL StanDinG mY FriEnd WiTh DancE and SinG FReED..
    Like A 12 MilLioN Word BiG BLuE Gorilla that most folks do not entirely See.. eVeN MoRE
    wHolE in thiS Room NoW WiTh HiS aRms RaiSed to the HeaVeNs aS A NeWCross WiTh No NAiLs..;)

    11:17 PM

  7. The Secret is Clear.. 100% Faith as Pure
    Love/Grace that and wHo iS the paRT
    MiNI-ME who LiVes
    WiTh iN
    ME as
    a Greater
    Force than Systemizing
    Science WiLL ever be able
    to replicate as this Force iS aLReady
    Proven as Art oVer Science that has no
    waY of Repeatable Experiment alone
    MeasuRinG aLLoNe WiThiN NoW
    forevermorenow with no
    tiMe LiMITs or
    to tie hOld
    NoW MoRE
    and all that is
    Within aka GoD
    Down aWay froM a
    FloAT.. oF AiR NoW
    thAT kNoWs and FeeLs
    and SenSes No Bounds oF
    LiMitS or ExpecTatioNs MoRe
    OR Less tHaN NOW MoRE whOle
    as PaRT We oF and as all that is too..
    so yeah.. i reviewed that ‘Secret’ Book
    aGaiN from 2006 as when first read
    then the Vise Grip of WorK Related
    Chronic FiGht or FLiGht Stress
    was Verily and surELY
    KiLLinG aLL of the
    SpiRiT HeLd
    witHiN the
    Temple oF GoD
    thAT is the HeArT
    oF mY MiNd and BoDy
    BaLanCinG SoUL then more..
    and for what made kNow SenSe
    FeeL then was almost impossible
    to employ at the Bottom of Maslow’s
    Pyramid that can and does and WiLL
    MoVe uP to Pyramid Capstone of sELf
    acTualiZaTioN CreatinG Free but truly NoT
    Possible iF all stuff related to Fear as Greed
    and Jealousy and Hate too snuffs the HUmaN
    PotEnTiaL at the top of Fowler’s Pyramid oF Faith
    aS Pure Love too.. away from the Dogma that holds
    a Much Larger God Within at bay in Chains and PRisons
    of Words oF OLD of a GoD oF Lesser Human BeingS iN
    Fear and Hate and all StuFF reLaTeD to the dARk OF LiFe
    aWay from the TruTH and LiGht of Love wHOle NoW iSREaL..
    NoW thAT pain and numb took my organ effective siGht and HeARinG
    for 66 Months of Phantom of the Opera and Hunch Back of Notre Dame
    and John Nash Like Vacation from Humanity and all of culture and religion
    then.. as far as the Dogma of mY LiFe oF FeeLinG and SenSinG erased
    from all of mY HUMaNity then.. i AM Forced to beCoMe Reborn aGaIN
    on or about July 22nd of 2013 when waves and sands and emerald
    water and dunes and seagull winGS become Spiraling Me as
    one WiTh Beach and GoD aS sAMe and DiFFeREnt too..
    yes.. Pyramid Capstone sELF actualization and
    Capstone of aGaPe LoVe foR all that
    exists as Creation theNOW
    as LiFE oF BeinG
    LoVe iN
    Wisdom LiGht and
    TrUtH even More Evolving
    SoUL in one lifetime NoW iN yes..
    Epigenetic and Neuroplastic affect and
    effect that sure systemizing science can measure
    in terms of word count.. miles danced.. 100K photos
    Plus taken and Given and Shared along with poundage
    and tonnage of lifted weight.. but you see within the experience
    of God aLL WhOLe is so much more than i WiLL ever be able
    to put into either science or art of PoeTry MoRe.. but anyway
    something as iSreal and Beautiful as the God all that is
    thaT and wHO Lives within me.. is worth a stab
    of Words as GoLd Standard
    oF Love
    me NoW..
    iF i were to giVe
    God a Pronoun it would
    never be he and always be
    HeR as moreover than ever more
    the DiViNe Feminine Grace is so much
    Greater than the DiViNe Masculine WiLL
    a Home oF
    Love and Grace
    WiThIn as sHe i caLL heR GoD2..
    sure.. with a dAsh of reaSon and
    WiLL too as Strength
    and ends
    WiTh Love
    and Grace for
    whAT Humanity’s
    HiGheST PotEnTiaL
    iN GiVinG and ShaRinG can and WiLL Be NOW..:)

  8. 7.11.17
    As listed on
    Driver’s Licenses
    like my 6.6.60 BD where
    periods have come into
    Fashion in a new age of
    Dot coms aS Such.. anyWay
    pARt oF A Practice of Cognitive Behavioral
    Therapy as Seeing the World as a BriGht and
    Happy Place as the Ink Blot Test we create in
    what some folks name as ‘Rorschach’ is finding
    one’s personal Holy and Sacred FuLL oF Meaning
    and Purpose Experience of LIFe by Creating Life as
    Art over Science.. in other words out of text Books of
    Literal Black and White Concrete Analytical Reasoning
    thought that is just another Ink Blot Test Result that is fostered
    by just a Different method of Brain Washing the Human Mind out
    of the Dream Time of Lucid Waking Guiding Creating Life as who we
    care to see Life in all Feels and Senses that Be as us.. either in a Heaven
    We Create or the Hell we do help make in many Nocebo over Placebo ways
    of our own Brand of Voodoo that Opposes Personal Hopes and Wishes and Prayers
    oF LIGht iN Words that can and will become what is written WiLL Be DoNe.. iN oTheR
    Words of FeeL and SenSe don’t wait for someone else to come again to Create Heaven
    NoW when only Nature within you WiTh WiLL and Strength under the Power of Love
    and Grace wHerE Grace is a Force of Peaceful BaLanCinG MoVinG ConNecTinG
    and CreaTinG we Make and Hell no not a gift alone without a practice oF LIGht
    iN aLL wE Do.. the Number one and seven Meme is clear and present in most
    all of Culture as once there were 7 Visible Celestial Bodies Visible in
    the Sky as Planets not Visible in Day and Sun and Moon and
    Planets that are Visible at Night.. as far as the Naked
    eye of Vision could See for literally Hundreds of
    Thousands of years for our Ancestral
    eYes of LiGhts that are larger
    than oTheR Star LiGhts
    that sHiNe and
    LiGht Bright
    the Hope of the
    Sun to alWays come
    back to Give LiGht and
    Warmth and Life to all that
    Lives in Sun for the nourishment of
    survive and thrive.. and of course 1
    is first need i say more for a Holy and
    Scared 1 where 1 is also last and all the
    ‘Tween Never Separate alWays Unity ToGeTher
    as aGApe Love for all we experience in LiFe iN short
    the answer that comes in FeeL and SenSe when this
    statement is more than juST empty Shells of Words without
    the ReaL LIFE EmoTioNs and SenSes as associated with Neuro-Chemicals
    and Neuro-Hormones that flow iN More LIGht of Positive Ways inspiring Neurons
    and Astrocyte waves and Trillions of Peptide connections throughout the Body as
    the ChrisTmaS Tree BeCoMes uS isREAL as Light as LiGht yes Positive LiGHT as
    Metaphor for Happy FeeLinGS and SeNses as we jump for Joy as metaphor
    within when the number date of Five to Six Digits separated from dots
    comes with all 7’s and 1’s like 7.11.17.. as we associated abstract
    constructs with the real FeeLinGS and SenSes We Experience
    as our Core reality of LIGht or DArK tween sHades
    of Grey and BeYOnd RainBoW Colors of liFE
    that we viSuaLize in IMAgiNAtioN and
    attach to abstract constructs in
    way of bio-feedback now..
    and Create our HeaVeNs
    as a practice oF LIFE in Day
    to Day LiVinG wHen More of LIFE
    BecOmeS HoLy and SaCred we Make
    More and More FuLL of Purpose and Meaning
    and oh my God that’s not all.. no not just the Bio-Feedback
    of Cognitive Behavioral therapy where we create our FeeLinGS
    and SenSEs through the Feedback of Holy and Sacred Symbols
    attached to those FeeLinGS and SenSEs.. yes there is also Holy
    and Sacred Full oF Meaning and Purpose MoVinG iN An Art
    oF DanCinG LiFE in new ways of MovinG as little children
    will Naturally do when trapped in Stores out of Play
    Grounds with tHeir parents or in Church Freer
    to twirl and move in New ways continuously
    as a practice and play oF MoVinG LiFe
    as Art over the Science of Sitting
    Still with quiet Hands and
    Feet where we like
    any Mammal
    are STiLL
    evolved to
    Create continuously
    New ways to move to
    become Invisible Mammals
    to both predator and prey to both
    better Capture Prey and Escape Predator
    for a survive and even thrive of life without
    the real life pain of being eaten alive as such
    by a predator when you don’t have any guns
    big enough to defeat teeth and claws larger now
    than yours or perhaps a python or two too.. hehe..
    in the Everglades too.. yes.. a Balance of Left Foot and
    Right on the Rice Paper oF Life that makes no tears Making
    WalKinG oN Water so much more than a myth on Land NoW..
    a Gravity of Center Balance Necessary by art of movement when
    one becomes more a Cloud of Float or a Surf Board riding the Wave
    of Life without falling off or down out of balance more.. what did you say..
    Athletes are just dumb jocks well perhaps you don’t realize you have more
    Neurons of Mind OF Body out of Central Nervous System into Peripheral System
    NoW.. jusT WaiTinG to come Greater into Action with Trillions of Peptide Cell Receptors
    from Head to Toe more as a MoVinG Celestial ET Body on the Planet eARTh as Invisible
    Clouds on the Ground NoW.. TrUE we are BeinGS of LiGhT on the continuum to dARk
    depending on how Holy and Sacred Full of Meaning and Purpose all we Feel and
    sense of LifE we do create too BeCOmES NoW as our REaLiTies More.. and
    yes as that applies to the aRT of Movement in regulating our emotions
    and integrating our senses when a whole new area of intelligence iN
    Proprioception comes into view where our body
    sees the world as our eyes do too.. so many
    more feels and senses of life than
    most folks experience
    in stagnate
    behind Screens
    and Plastic keys albeit
    the art we can and will create
    with digital tools iN Positive LIGht
    suRELy LiGhts Up the Brain iN Happy
    ways of BeinG too.. trUe Happy is both
    ArT and Science too.. understanding that you
    are an Animal and Human too and when you growl
    Deep when you work out for strength you release the
    same Dopamine and Neurohormones that a Big Blue Ape
    called Fred and Caesar WiLL Do when leading a Planet
    of Apes to stronger togETher iN a Primal Scream for
    survive in life at core of reptilian BeinG
    too like a Crocodile Deep throat
    rumbling growl
    more too..
    sure.. employ
    your reptilian Dragon
    of Snake Brain out of chaos
    into Will and Strength too in much
    Greater Ways of getting in touch
    with the old Dragon inside
    that says survive
    or not
    just survive
    and make it alive
    to the next moment
    with something to eat
    and an attractive mate..
    and true in Visual and Mamalian
    and Reptile way porn is the Evolutionary
    Gold that says you are a successful alpha
    male and choose what you like as female too..
    in moderation of course as instant gratification
    is not something we are evolved to do as Happy
    Days are here again comes with Intermittent Gratification
    and even the boot camp we must create if it doesn’t come naturally
    as a couch potato way of life with all you can eat fats and sugars too..
    it’s True our Nature doesn’t always optimally match the Environments we
    are born in to day.. and Jesus F iN Christ as far as the Gospel of Thomas
    Verse 37 in some countries the naked and human body is considered an ugly
    thing to wear free under the Sun of Life without shame in front of others too..
    Garden of Eden Stories to relate with shame for being human too with
    knowledge that says different than wild and free naked with
    appropriate intermittent reinforcement when
    consensually and mutually desired in
    all the ways that comes of
    course then
    still now..
    yes.. aGaiN.. Happiness
    is an Art and Science and
    if you are going to wait for
    Heaven until after a dirt nap one
    thing for sure in Nocebo impact of
    Voodoo expectations fostered by illusory
    fears and empty promises is you will never likely
    find Heaven now if you don’t believe you will no different
    than if you believe you are gonna get sick or something bad
    is going to happen with the real evidenced Science assessed
    impact of the Nocebo effect you are much more likely to fall ill with
    a negative attitude now.. and of course while some scoff at the Placebo
    effect like it’s just a sugar pill and not a real cocKtail of Neuro-Hormones
    and Neuro-Chemicals that come as just another real time Cognitive Behavioral
    Feed Back in LiGhTinG the HuMaN BeinG up Like a Christmas Tree of Hope
    in literally Trillion of ways of connections in peptide connections as many
    Stars as there are in the Milky Way and all the Connections of
    the Human Body in LiGht to DaRk tween sHades of Grey
    through poTEnTial BeYond RainBow Colors
    mixed in with appropriate levels
    of DARk aS Struggle
    to keep
    power of
    Gratification in
    check now for BaLanCinG
    Nirvana and Bliss in a Chocolate
    mix of Vanilla LiGht with dARk Chocolate too..
    yes.. the Placebo effect and affect of EmoTions
    and SenSes is a real Deal that goes much farther
    than just the sweet taste of a sugar pill sure as
    far as the Universe of Stars in terms of
    A Quadrillion number of points
    oF LiGht of Happiness now
    as each Human Being
    is not only like a Star
    or a Milky Way Galaxy trUe we are
    DAnCinG and SinGinG UniVerses
    in MultiVerse Way Standing TaLL
    in more than a Quadrillion Stars too..
    iNFiniTy OnE PlUS as 81 alphanumerical
    Standing Tall 8 INFiniTy PlUS 1 now.. more
    HuMaN BeingS NoW as Above So Below mOre
    inside outside and all aRound now.. trUe.. we are a
    more complicated Measure than what Science can
    possibly make out of the Visible UniVerse Above but
    Never the less we are Gifted and Make Relative Free
    WiLL a REaL Deal NoW through the Art and Science
    of Happiness in greater Productive and Creative ways
    oF LIfE NoW.. trUe you miGht say i am somewhat of an expert
    on both pain and pleasure as i have sEEn fELt and SeNSEd both
    experiences of liFE in the Extreme as many Bi-Polar Folks do.. i venture
    to empirically measure in terms of repeatable results that experiencing the
    worst pain known to Humankind for 66 months from wake to sleep numb
    without any emotions shows me one of the DaRkest Human PotEntiaLs
    of Hell on eARTh.. i KNoW and FeeL and SenSe the value of Pain
    and Numb for it brought me as a Believer and experiencer of
    Heaven NoW iN BaLanCE of LIGht and DaRk BeyONd
    Rainbow Colors away from the Stagnate
    of a purgatory aS sHades of Grey too
    and away from the abyss
    of HeLL Now more
    than ever Now
    more forevernow IN
    HeaVEN as reAliTy GreATeST
    LiT for Me as BaLanCinG oF HiGher
    PoWeR of GoD as Nature all that is
    Gifted to BeinG Human Within NoW MoRe
    that i create as art one with the Force at Hand
    available to me as relative will free in mastering
    Emotional Regulation and Sensory Integration as
    a continuing practice of Heaven NoW.. true it’s a simple
    as a first step of BaLanCinG NoW 1 LeFt Foot with 1 Right
    Foot for a Center BaLanCE of 1 LiFE NoW and without any of these
    Words LiGht of BeinG NaturALLY Follows neXt and sure if one tries
    hard enough they can put a little bit of the paths to Heaven in Abstract
    Constructs of Art including words.. a life long Journey to BrinG LIGht
    to OtheRs too.. iN perhaps Just a SpaRk of a YouTube SonG
    where both Pain and Pleasure
    makes you
    a believer
    7 days a WeeK
    iN the PotEnTiaL
    of Heaven on Earth NoW
    so far away from a Dirt NaP iSReaLHeAr..:)

  9. Hmm.. A Science of Heaven..
    ArT True Beyonce in the last 711
    Video LiGht Effort i provided sHows how
    NoW heAR HeRE to obtain this ‘Fresh’ State of BEinG
    in arT oF MoVinG/SpiraLinG and STiLL Yoga Pose
    of MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG StATe
    oF beinG too wHeRE yes..
    her left or right foot
    as it were is
    one she
    can trust
    to BaLancE
    with the otHeR
    to Bring this Fresh
    State of BeinG HUmaN
    NoW in Animal Homeostatsis
    that most other Animals without
    the curse of Great Memories of
    DaRk and Forecasts of dARk
    for the Future Naturally
    Receive as Peace
    after a fight
    or flight
    for the
    oF LiFE NoW..
    including shelter too..
    and territory and mates
    to come to pass now as
    Success in the present
    Moment of Now that
    is alWays NoW..
    for those
    trapped iN A
    NeoCortical State
    oF BeinG Stuck between
    the ears like a Gun thaT/wHo threatens
    Never Peace iN MINd and BoDy BaLanCinG
    souL NoW FReED hehe.. like me.. but you see..
    it’s really not necessary to mock the masses as
    Beyonce does heaR making fun with an empty cup
    that will never need alcohol or other external substance
    drugs to obtain this transcendent state of ecstatic experience
    oF LiFe CoMinG From the Meditation of MoVing Dance and
    sure.. whatever Zen FloW iN ZoNE provides this sTate
    oF bEInG hUmaN MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG
    Force souL of Animal Homeostasis Now
    iN ReLaTiVE Free WiLL of
    REgulaTinG EmoTioNs
    And IntEgrATinG
    tHAt can
    eVeN be done
    al LeASt between
    the ears and two hands
    oF Typing Free Verse Poetry
    in a FloW of Harmony of Dance
    in 10 FinGer way on a Keyboard NoW2..
    and before a lit uP Dopamine increaSinG
    Screen of Virtual reALiTy too.. anyWay in her
    own way Beyonce too shows one how to come to
    the state of Being where Palms are raised up on both
    right and left hands as inFiniTy plus ReLaTiVE Free WiLL
    of StaR duST SenTienT pLuS uS.. BorN as resurRecTioN
    oF Crucible Fire of StaR DEAth Burst Gaseous DuST NoW
    conTroLLinG the literal and metaphorical Bright sunshine
    SouL or alternatELy the potential
    in negative Epigenetic
    Neuroplastic NoCebo
    affect and effect
    of BLack
    too.. Once
    AGaiN NoW.. Star
    Seeds and FLoWeRs
    of Creativity we Can
    and WILL Be too
    WiTh the
    PoWER oF Relative
    Free WiLL iN Strength
    oF Love and Grace iN a
    BaLanCinG aCT of Divine
    Masculine WiLL and Strength
    and Divine Feminine Grace and
    LoVe as PuRE WiLL LiGht NoW
    iN Love and Grace as BaLanCinG
    AcT conTiNuInG Practice of Relative
    Free WiLL Force and PowEr as Stength
    oF Positive Human Sunshine LiGht NoW.. too..
    so.. sure that’s where the symbolism then of the
    Grey Male Underwear the Women are wearing now
    comes too to show they have this Power of WILL
    and Strength to go along with the blow dry hAir
    of Love and Grace left foot right foot all Fresh
    as HeaVenLY NoW.. and sure.. Kale just a
    metaphor for Kali as the dARk
    Force of Destruction come
    to Light and a
    Victory Dance
    over dEath as
    LiGht as LoVe and
    Grace Now iN WiLL
    and Strength too of LIFe
    NoW iN HeaVeN too.. and
    yeS at the end of that Video now..
    not unlike Kali she sticks her tongue
    out in party Gag Device at the Year of
    LiGht designated as the year.. 2015 too..
    and yes.. she sticks her tongue out at you
    too for thinking what she is doing is either
    woo or religious generated Illusory fears
    of what is transcendent and pure
    in ecstatic way that the
    OTheR Animals
    Breaks of past and more
    future constantly experience
    after the fight and fight for life
    breaks for thrive of LiFe More too…
    as hey it feels good so do it again
    when LiGht oF HeAvEN coMes
    to Pass again for the
    of Life
    who can find
    Heaven in Nuts
    everywHere they coMe too..
    but true there is always a certain
    Level of Struggle to find the next NuT oF Heaven
    too.. for too Much LiGht to FeeL as Darker as HeLL too
    oN eaRth of Course this Miracle of Home that is surely
    and verily tolerable enough as HeaVeN and HOMe for
    those who walk and be a BaLanCE of dARk and LiGht
    Star Seed Flowers wHOle away from BlacK Hole Star Abyss..
    repeat class as above… so below.. inside outside and all around
    Heaven HeaRT NoW SpiRit of MiNd and BoDy SoUl is what we make
    as Heaven
    or Break
    aS sHades
    of Purgatory more
    Grey to the poTenTiaL
    Abyss of the DArk NiGht
    oF the soUL that last forever HeLL
    in a second now where all tHeRe iS
    iS time as opposed to HeaVeN whEre NoW
    time is only iLLusioN and NoW iS Forevermore
    NoW eTerNaLLy So When WiTh Relative Free WiLL
    WE Create the StATe of HeaVeN in Countries that
    allow within the limits of the Law.. Avenues of SeeK
    and FiND in Freedom of Expression that beCOmeS
    SPiRit isReAL ExpreSSinG HeArT oF MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL NoW..:)

  10. Group Think Wins over Beyond..
    sAMe Story SAMe Characters
    sAMe Play only the
    Actors Change
    aS the Cultures
    alWays relying on
    the perceived order away
    from Chaos that Group Think
    Brings and true the Definition of
    Chaos varies as the answer for what
    some males see as the Naked Freedom
    of Women choosing their own mates is resolved
    by the order of Dowries and even Female Genital
    Mutilation in the extreme.. and sure.. for other folks
    in Fundamentalist Christian ways the Genetic and
    Environmental anomalies of Variety that are a
    Natural God nature way of ensuring
    BaLanCinG ForCE Greater
    as when stress comes
    in overall Cultural
    way and Stress Hormones
    rise in Womb way of Developing
    Fetuses or there are already enough
    Males in the Family to reproduce as innately
    understood but the body as whole in instinctual
    ways of Bio-Chemistry too.. sure.. offspring are born
    who and that may be not much interested in either
    having sex with the opposite sex or nurturing
    Children much at all either as life goes
    on more childless too so what
    may seem as chaos to
    some in Cultures
    that continue
    to grow NoW
    in disputes over
    differences and same
    ways of doing stuff too is the
    Larger Voice of Nature aka God
    all that is thAT WiLL Naturally BRinG
    Chaos to make order in BaLanCE the
    way as Nature tends to do when LIVinG
    NoW.. no.. not just the HUmaN Race.. the
    entire Circle of lives that make the Ecosystem
    Work iN BaLanCinG Force including the resources
    down to a gRaIn oF Sand that HOld uP a GreATest
    HuMaN Force of Fearless sMaRt Unconditional
    aGaPe Love for all of Creation in Faith and
    Trust and a HeLpinG Hand of take no
    more than give when iN BaLanCE
    out of Balance and Chaos
    comes aGaiN..
    WhILe God as Nature
    may NoW enjoy the HuMaN
    Experience in all the iMAgiNaTiOn
    of CreaTivity of BeYond RAinBow Colors
    thaT caN and WiLL BrinG to HUmaN NatuRE
    NoW.. but on the othEr Hand theRe is othER pain
    to be fELt as huMan Cultures Become Virtual Cancers
    uPoN the eARTh in take way more than GiVinG NoW..
    so.. yeah.. the HuMaN Race as rather dumb overall Act
    of Cultural BaLanCing FoRce WiTh NatuRE/GoD now and
    surely not a real Apex Predator as this HUman
    Species stands better to destroy itself worse
    with Nuclear Fire over the eARTh
    and the rest of LIVinG liFe
    thAT and wHo WiLL
    Recover back
    to Environmental
    BaLanCinG ForCE
    of WeLL BeiNG more after
    300 or so Million years after the
    disgrace of the human race leaves the
    planet if and when a wake of Destruction
    Humans Create as Suicide Waves wHere a
    same effect of just another Asteroid of 66 million
    years makes way for us Mammals in a common
    Rodent Ancestor back in them days.. we too could
    pave a path for a much greater species than we are now..
    perhaps.. just the fACt that what we.. the overall Cancers of
    our Cultures on the Planet eARTh are gone gone gone where once
    again it is a Planet of Loving Bonobos aS Apes over Cruel Human Greed..
    all naked as such Loving each other IN Peace fighting Aggression and any
    potential for Violence with a Bonobo Loving Touch and a Cool Dip in a Pond STiLL then..
    splashing Bliss once more in clean fur of Loving eyes and arm touch even moRe as Love..
    it is what it is we are what we are and what we can and will do next WiLL Be Apes stronger
    toGeTher iN Harmony and Peace of LoVinG each oThER WiTh Hope or the other way of
    Group think of Fear and Hate as Misery Loves Company enough to destroy each
    other dead
    no longer
    coming back
    as Human Species
    at all for around 300 Million
    or so years more or a similar
    species then on another Planet
    with A Chance aT A BaLanCinG
    BeinG ForCe NoW With the rest
    oF A Mother Earth-like Scenario
    aS the Miracle oF LIfE iN
    A REaL PoTenTiaL
    oF EdEn
    all BaLanCinG
    ouT iN Survive and Thrive
    alive.. as the key is consuming less…
    Dance of Steps and Poetry of Words all
    given free with hardly any take at all is surEly
    mY Path as psycho-naut explorer as some folks
    see as psycho-nut more.. hehe.. but never the less
    the FeeLinG and SeNSinG oF Heaven alWays NoW
    forevermore now this BrinGs to me is as real and surely
    more free than a Big Mansion and Shiny New Cars that take
    Resources of LIFE iN Bio-Diversity away from the rest of our
    Home as Natural God made eARTh without the killing tools
    that Humans make words of write into language and
    collective intelligence into tools of swords and
    guns and now Nuclear weapons as
    Suicide makers for the entire
    Human Race and other
    LiVinG BeingS oN
    eARTh with no rights
    to complain over the true insanity
    now that the Human Race aS wHole
    BRinGS to the PlaNeT EaRTh as Cultural
    ByProducts out of BaLanCinG ForcE ALiVe now
    away from WeLL BeinG for all who and that are
    Concerned with a Survive and even thrive for life now..
    the Greatest tool now we have is the Free Flow of Information
    in Art and Science True and while tHeRe are GroWinG Pains
    in a new way of communication that does not include flesh
    and blood breath on each other’s BeinG in ‘REaL LiFE”
    NoW.. HoLDinG these Hands and better understanding
    what makes us DiFFerEnt and sAMe is sTiLL forM
    oF Essence aS Apes Stronger toGeTher in
    Synergy Force of HoLDinG Hands
    And ShARinG a Diversity
    oF HuMaN Collective
    ArT and SciencE that
    Continues to GroW iN Leaps
    of Logic too iN synergistic total impact
    of just in one hUman BeinG the Rational metaphor
    oF LeFT Brain thinking as pArt of a K11 alphanumerical
    symbol as two ones side by side Join Hands in HemiSpheRe
    of BRAiN as left and right Brain metaphor of Social Empathic
    ArT Life to join Hands.. yes.. WitH LefT BrAiN Metaphor of
    Science Systemizing ReAsoNinG MiNd NoW too.. Bridging
    the Middle of 11 BrinGinG H8 INFiNity TaLL StAndinG
    HUmaN ToGeTher too in synergistic potential
    of the sum of the pARTs as GreaTer Force
    than the pARTs of the HemispHeREs
    more separate away from
    Unification poTeTenTiaL
    oF BeFore and when more
    folks Self-Actualize Farther up
    the Maslow Pyramid iN Capstone Way..
    the eASt and WesT HemispHeRes of Neuron
    HuManS HoLDinG Hands toGeTher as StaR
    Points NoW.. aS UniVerSe Galaxy WHOle
    iN MiLky Way BeinG HuMaN Too.. in
    North to South laTTiTudes iN
    MoRE Positive FeeLinGS
    and SenSes JoIN
    YES.. Apes Stronger toGeTheR iN Greater
    Positive LiGht iN Global way may Neo come true too..
    but meanwhile i break out of the Matrix and be the change i can and
    WiLL BE i AM now too.. aS sure this Peace WiLL last as LonG as iT CaN and WiLL
    overALL as THe PlaNeT oF eARTh HUMaNs SinG liGht or toward dArk forevermorenow..
    true though iT sTarTs FirsT at the Individual Level wHeRE we Greater Explore places
    within as INNeR enTiRE UniVerse we have never gone and been before.. NC 17 sTiLL
    as ‘they’ say StaR SHiP Destination Inner UniVerse hUmaN Free to expand moRe NoW..:)

  11. NeWesTNeoS
    Red or Blue Pill?
    Green Pill For EVoLVinG
    (Reference: Matrix)
    ‘God’ is Art and Science
    God Without Intuition
    iNtuition iS ARTeverChanGinG
    iNtuiTion CreaTes Anew
    Systemizing Religion
    Is ‘Science’
    Systemizing Science
    Is ‘Reason’
    Religion Without Intuition
    Is ‘Science’
    Art Without Intuition
    Is Science
    HanD iN HanD WitH/As GoD
    Reason and Sacred
    Binds for Survival
    Religion of Reason
    Religion of Sacred
    Reason Binds
    Sacred Binds


    Hello, again, techstepgenr8tion,

    “The Rational Delusion in Moral Psychology”

    Jonathan Haidt, like Jordan Peterson is looking more toward a Green Pill Solution to the Existential
    Angsts of Life in expanding Cultural/Political/Religious views of life away from just a Blue Or Red Pill
    Solution that comprises both the divides of Human Minds and the Globe as Whole as well;
    ‘tween East and West Hemispheres and North and South Latitudes that of course we
    can apply to the large and small of our individual potentials as well as the Global
    Potential of Human Beings either Holding Hands together or separating in disgust.

    More than ever before, it’s apparent that Human Beings are far from core as Rational Beings. Sure, a hard thing
    perhaps for folks to hear who are not very much in touch with their Emotions and other overall Intelligences of
    Intuition but a Truth and Light that Neuroscientists have been steadily proving with the Scientific Method since the
    90’s; and in part, explains why ‘analytical’ Philosophy is so short sighted without the Human Colors of Emotions and
    Senses and other Intuitional Intelligences overall added to the mix of the Human Cocktail of our Inner Universes
    that as leading Astrophysicists like Neil deGrasse Tyson readily admits now is impossible to measure empirically
    with the same repeatable results that come with the exploration of ‘outer’ space. Never the Less, and increasingly
    More; the Fields of Neuro-Science and the Art and Science of Psychology are finally seeing more of the Inner Universe
    of Human that only Religions and Philosophies and the Arts in General have more fully addressed in Centuries Before.

    Of course, anyone who has been around a rather large block of life already intuits that and hehe; that’s still now
    the Catch 22 Situation of folks who have not sought/found/used their ‘hidden’ potentials of Physical, Emotional, Existential, and Overall Intuitional other Cognitions from head to toe as the Central Nervous System Mind Moves on
    out to the rest of the Body in many more Neurons of Peripheral Nervous System ways of
    ‘seeing’ existence as is and of course how we relate with others who are more similar
    or different from how we perceive ourselves in all areas of life. And there goes the
    Metaphor of North and South Latitudes of our Individual Minds away from just the
    Metaphor of Left and Right Brain ways of thinking and feeling and sensing the experience
    overall of life in our day to day existence, ranging from misery loves company to joy holding hands,
    both inside and outside with the rest of Nature too. What a great era of human existence this is now to
    greater understand who and what we are, not only alone but together too in more Green Pill ways of Seeing Life.

    The Globe Holding Hands in terms of individual Neurons as Metaphors of Human Beings as Apes working now
    Stronger with Will together with Love and Grace; that’s a hard one for sure. Considering that at core Human
    Beings are NOT Rational Beings as Reason only as after effect of what we intuit more and less first in Emotional
    and Sensory ways from Head to toe as Mind and Body whole down to the highest finger tip and lowest toe now we
    raise in awareness greater of the World around us; true, Rationality continues to be in the mix of rules in Governing
    Societies and the World at Large to insure the Red Pill Does not Disappear for order and the Blue Pill does not bring
    Chaos either and of course I’m improvising in metaphor way here away from the Matrix Reference as the Red way
    was the way of Truth there as opposed to what many so-called Blue Liberals name Red Conservatives as more
    a way of Cognition as Ignorance led by Emotions. Well; sure; it is. The Delusions as fostered by higher
    education to this point is we have the potential to be rational beings which Science so far now shows
    we are not. And haha; therein lies the truth; there is no such thing as fuller rationality without the Intuitive
    Mastery now of one’s own Emotions in Regulation and Senses in Integration that is almost entirely
    Art away from Science at its best in Free Verse ways of life in looking within and
    Feeling and Sensing the answers that work best for a Balancing life of both survive
    and thrive where in a sense and feel when a Yogi or such accomplished individual slowly
    Raises their Palms to ‘the Heavens’; yes, literally, Above; they Hold Infinities in the Palm of both
    their right and left Hands and can see the entire Universe in a Grain of Sand. Of course a great
    Artist named ‘Sting’ and other Poets have already experienced this in intuitive ways of Feeling and Sensing
    Life and related this in the metaphors of Poetry as all the World’s Truly Great Religions have attempted to share
    this wisdom of Greater Potential in Essence of survive and thrive in life where Eternity lasts for moments instead
    of looking/dreading forward to something better/worse in the future or looking back on what was better or worse before which of course is Feelings and Senses of Life too that we tend to associate words and other so-called Holy and Sacred
    Symbols as the abstract constructs we come to make or imagine out of Nature that already exists Full of Meaning and Purpose too, as well.

    Anyway; just common sense my Friend and Feel. The ’12 Million Word Blue Gorilla’ in the Room is that we are still
    just animals no different really than Bonobos other than the fact that we tend to convolute the experience of life
    with all our shared and divorced Cultural Artifacts that we make in terms of words, collective intelligence, and
    all the stuff that makes a very disjointed cultural experience now; including guns and atomic bombs.

    Jonathan Haidt, speaks in terms of Care/Harm; Fairness/Cheating; Liberty/Oppression; Loyalty/Betrayal;
    Authority/Subversion; Sanctity/Degradation for the Psychological Moral Foundations of Life. He also
    suggests that so-called Liberals don’t worry nearly as much about Loyalty, Authority, and
    Sanctity as so-called Conservative leaning folks per innate factors who move in that direction
    in Neuro-Hormone and Neuro-Chemical Motivated ways; namely, they are more cats than
    dogs as common metaphor too.

    It’s kind of like the ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’, and I’ll have to do the Wiki Cliff Notes to get up to speed
    on the ‘Twin Peaks Show’, you reference. There are ‘two kinds’ of folks in the World; those who Dance;
    and, those who do not. And neither one of those two basic types of Humans are going away as long as the
    Species exists as evolved today. And it’s true, people who do not dance tend to avoid the potential of falling
    down early in life until they get older of course and lose their balance earlier. Epigenetics and Neuroplasticity
    suggests that Humans can change these propensities of Dance or not; with appropriate Environmental Challenge.

    So, as always, some will ‘Matrix’ unplug and some will not; that’s up to each individual.
    Some folks will create their own sunsets and sunrises of reality and some folks will not.
    Whatever Peace and Harmony of Getting along that exists will last as long as it will now.
    And as always, those who Dance Freest, Will do their Best to Help others Learn to Dance too.

    “The Powerful Play goes on”;
    Same Characters;
    Different Actors/Dancers/Singers.

    So.. after a Day Long of Activity outside
    of four walls and a key board and a ceiling
    and a screen of virtual reality and writing
    and creating other Miscellaneous ways of art..
    excluding of course the morning spent
    doing just that.. as never does
    a day go by.. no.. in the
    last 80 months of writing..
    including this month..moving
    past these walls of writing
    outside in a much bigger
    Blue room into walls2..
    from Psychotherapist
    Office for both of us..
    now.. yes.. the Katrina
    to better deal with all
    of me in Elephant
    Huge way of hearing
    all i have to say and do
    and what i do to listen too..
    not always attending to small talk
    as most always larger talk of the creative
    process going on upstairs as ‘they’ say when
    writing and downstairs more as ‘they’ SinG
    when DanCinG in public.. next stop Walmart
    to do just that and next stop after
    a Quick Dinner.. then Picking Peas
    on a Farm as i continue
    to Proof Read what
    i write in the
    Morning and
    Art and continue
    to research areas
    from Science to Art
    to Music and More online
    on YouTube.. eTc.. Resources
    for so much more iMaGInATiON
    and CreATivity by me to cOme NexT..
    as of course the smART PhONe iPhone6S
    goes picking peas with Katrina while i
    dance on the Highway by the farm too just
    waiting to capture the neXT Beauty of Nature
    with the smART Camera Phone too.. Creativity
    Never ends for me in all the ways it can and will
    come now as long as i enjoy it this way and don’t
    move on to another special interest pursuit
    of life as i’ve surely done in the past
    like when Forrest Gump said he
    was of tired of running
    and retired from that
    and RE-TiReD his
    Wheels to anoTHeR
    all Consuming
    too to fulfill his
    HuMaN PotEnTiAL to
    New Avenues of LiFE wHeRE
    no one had ventured BeFoRE otHeRS even
    assuming that he had all the answers
    then to life as he felt like doing it
    as it made him happy albeit that is now
    A Meaning and Purpose of LiFe for those
    who have any common sense of How to make
    Happy NoW HaPPeN iN dARK to LiGht ‘tween
    sHAdES of Grey as Forrest Gump Verily and
    Surely did in Fictional way as i do it going
    down for isReaL NoW too in Auto-Biography Rover
    ways2 as “Mr. Flo Rida” Sings too..
    BeYonD RainBoW Colors too..

    Anyway.. Second Cousin Terri
    shares another Facebook
    Ego Booster test and
    quiz site that
    in this case
    show cases
    what an Exhibition
    of Profile Pics oF a
    Facebook Page WiLL LooK
    Like in an Art Gallery Now..
    so.. i go on to remark with my Gallery
    of Body art as algorithmically Produced
    for Free by the EN Name Test thingy with
    some of my Profile Pics..

    Hmm.. i already
    Thought this IS
    A Purpose oF
    Don’t lET
    ThE FredBugs Bite..;)

    AnyWaY.. just to say i alReaDy
    NoW do not hold back any of the
    Art ReaSoN of me wherever i go in Public
    Dance or Online Song and other Associated
    Art Activities now and Even Science too in
    ReaSon ways of MiNd oVER BoDy too ‘tween the
    ears as ‘they’ say too more restricted in bind aS Such..
    away from a Free Verse DancE SonG oF ArT LiFE IN TRutH anD LiGht NoW…
    And as always Katrina says you can’t shut up and the Psychotherapist
    relates that what i BRinG to her table is a Fountain of Knowledge as
    Different Strokes and Sizes of Elephant Ears for all associated..
    some get a little too much with a Fredache and some can
    fit it all in wanting so much more that even time
    in the Psychotherapist Office gets away from the
    Therapist enjoying the rain/Storm
    i BRinG iN from
    of ReSEARch
    MoVinG eVen MorE
    as of course she shares
    what she kNows and FeeLs
    and SeNsES about my favorite
    current special interest of the
    the overall all encompasSinG
    StaTuS and PoTenTiaL
    oF the HUmaN
    BeinG way
    oF DoInG iT aLL
    NoW and So Much
    BefoRE too and in the
    PoTenTiAL Future.. although
    i don’t worry much at all if
    anything about that as it makes
    zero sense to worry about what one cannot
    control to make the Best of LiFe NoW
    alWays iN eterNiTy oF HeaVeN NoW as
    Folks who have the Throne of
    EmoTioNaL REguLATiON
    and SenSoRy InTegRAtion
    regularly do alWays NOW
    as a Practice oF aRt LiFe
    in common sense reason that
    is the best rationality oF aLL
    iN feel and sense of fullness and
    comfort and serenity of Happiness NoW
    as JoY Intermittently with a Healthy MiX
    oF dARK too to avoid any chance of LiGht Poisoning too.
    so.. sure.. considering in some ways and times in my life i’ve
    fELt like the loneliest boy and man and even human ever..
    i listened to the Song ‘Lonely Boy’ by Andrew Gold and
    cried my eyes out just for dARk FuN MoVing
    BAcK iN LIGht.. then captured some Sunset
    photos on the Farm
    and then jumped
    out of my car
    to do the
    twice on the
    Side of the Road
    on the Ride home by
    other Farms losing my
    Ear Buds out of my lap
    on the first jump out of the
    Car and forgetting to put the car
    in park on the second jump watching
    my car slowly move on the tall grass
    on the side of the road with the Katrina
    inside of it as i jumped back in to put it into
    park realizing i lost those ear buds.. no problem
    just buy another pair but the Katrina insisted on
    Looking for them about an hour where we had already
    been.. then arriving at Walmart again tired as heaven
    purchasing the wrong connector ear buds and laughing
    when i got home knowing i could just use Katrina’s
    Android ear buds after she got over the germ
    aPhobia that they would be used in my
    ears that encountered some
    sweat earlier in
    the day
    in Public
    and on the
    Side of the Road..
    still.. i’m not a lonely
    Boy anymore so i can lose
    a hundred pair of ear buds
    and just replace ’em as only
    Material goods.. but true
    sometimes i don’t
    pay enough close
    to general
    stuff oF
    to either
    let my car
    or the katrina
    leave the big art eYes of me2..
    anyway.. i dreamed my Mother called
    me last night and the sound of her voice made me
    cry again and now i smile as i am human and that is enough for me..
    i can’t remember now what my Mother said but ‘you’ FeeL iT was just the Sound of her Voice.

    A day or so ago.. Facebook Friend Rafiah
    relates she goes kinda crazy over her
    favorite song but doesn’t sing it
    like it’s supposed to be
    sung.. on the ‘radio’..:)

    And i SinG..
    Matters not as
    Long as You FeeL iT..:)

    Matters NoT how one Looks or
    Sounds when one Dances and Sings..
    It’s JusT YoU NoW Do iT WiLL And Live

  12. Up the creek, paddling madly….

    Good Afternoon.. from Florida.. FriEnd.. gigoid.. glad
    to see your Computer made it out of recovery and now
    the Court Case is put on hold for another day of issue..
    Hmm.. rather spread out still over here and almost
    ready perhaps for a little writing vacation of at
    least 30 minutes.. hehe.. with Sand and
    Sun Free
    Fun too..
    but for now
    i’M STiLL DanCinG
    And SinGinG and A Riffing heAR..;)

    “It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion;
    it is easy in solitude to live after our own;
    but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd
    keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.”

    ~~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~~

    Sure.. it’s much easier being a Yogi
    in the Mountain tops of Separation
    away from the ‘mundane’ of life
    but as ‘they’ say
    Fun too
    NoW2 iS
    eYes more
    into the SuN
    oF LiFe without
    Restraint as Winds
    of CaLmer EYes of
    Hurricane NoW aLiVe
    WiTh no exclusions for
    the rest oF A Human
    Race in all
    the way
    that floats
    or sinks now
    to Millstone ways
    of Deeper Shallower Seas..:)

    “Mit der Dummheit kaempfen Goetter selbst vergebens.”

    [Against stupidity the very gods contend in vain.]

    ~~ Friedrich Schiller, “The Maid of Orleans”, Act iii, Sc. 6 ~~

    The ones
    who live
    now no
    matter works
    they do it and live
    for the ‘reason’ ‘it’ works..
    Intelligence only flies as
    far as it Dances
    aLiVe.. mY FriEnd..:)

    “A single event can awaken within us
    a stranger totally unknown to us.
    To live is to be slowly born.”

    ~~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery ~~

    time tested
    EVolVinG STiLL
    iN Billions oF Years..
    No Book ends.. no Page starts..
    not even any words WiTH LiGHT..:)

    “And can you teach me to how to dance real slow?”

    ~~ Don McLean, “American Pie” ~~

    Only DanCinG
    SLower when
    And Flies eVen HiGher..:)

    “The world is what it is, no less and no more,
    and therein lies its entire and sufficient meaning.”

    ~~ Edward Abbey ~~

    CreaTinG bY WiLL
    aNew and neVer sAMe..:)

    “Change can be exhilarating, joyous, liberating.
    But it can also be terrifying,
    because, in a deeper sense,
    you are questioning your very identity and sense of value.
    But take the risk.
    It’s worth it.”

    ~~ Dee Hock ~~

    “Let it go”
    as Frozen
    Ice Princesses
    BeCoME Queen of the Snow Blind..:)

    “Do not seek death; death will find you.
    But seek the road which makes death a fulfillment.”

    ~~ Dag Hammarskjold ~~

    When OnE LiveD

    “If I don’t meet you no more in this world
    Then I’ll see you in the next one.
    Don’t be late”

    ~~ Jimi Hendrix ~~

    FoR NoW..:)

    “There will come a time when you think everything is finished.
    That will be the beginning.”

    ~~ Louis L’Amour ~~~


    See you.. around.. gigoid..;)

  13. Hmm.. Wonder if Fred Art
    iN SonG will ever reAlly
    take off.. hehe..
    sure.. the Dance
    iS NoW at the
    of Video
    Voyeur sMarT
    Phone Artists as
    i encourage them to
    Create in turn by Creating
    Art of Dance for them.. thing is..
    things are when one fulfills their
    Human Potential in both Arts
    And Sciences without even
    any regard to Commercial
    Success.. let’s just
    say ‘they’ have it
    all as long as
    they Do Love
    and Eat and
    Drink under a
    Substantial enough
    Shelter to protect one from
    elements that miGht otherwise
    detract.. from yes as Google
    replies in first hit way NoW
    self-ac·tu·al·i·za·tion as
    ‘the realization or fulfillment of one’s talents and potentialities..
    especially considered as a drive or need present in everyone’.
    So.. yes.. in ways of Empathy.. Compassion.. and the Altruism
    oF GiVinG and ShaRinG iT iS only Natural too to hELp BrinG
    this Capstone of Maslow’s Pyramid and Fowler’s Capstone of
    Agape Love for all of Creation Unconditionally to
    everyone else in John 14:12 ways and
    Matthew Beatitudes at least
    in Chapter 5.. 1 through
    11.. Verse Numbers too..
    So.. sure.. you can call
    ‘me’ the Candy Man too..
    while i move on now to
    Xenia and Frank’s Place
    of Poetry too as i really gotta
    get this 116th/787th MacroVerse
    E-LiNe Published soon if i am gonna
    Celebrate a 1.8 Million Word Match of
    Longest Long Form Poem titled something
    like that as accomplished on 7.17.17.. in the
    117th/788th MacroVerse that also.. yes.. serves
    as A Number 788 MacroVerse for.. ‘SonG oF mY
    SoUL’.. exceeding around 5 Million Words Now too..
    During the Course of 47 Months/7700 Miles Dance2
    in much Longer Long Form Poem already exceeding
    what is continuing to at least seem like a rather small
    ‘Mahabharata’ as long as what i continue to art is rather
    effortless and Free in OMG so much MaGiCAL ArT Fun
    as CamEL and ELephANT below the skin.. of mY Aware
    Conscious Mind comes out to Play More in Intuitive HoLy
    SpiRiT CreAtiVE Way as heART LiGhTS uP even More
    WitH EMoTiOns and SeNsATions WiTh a MiNd and
    BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL Up Up and Away Now iN
    BeYOnd RainBoW BiG BaLLooN Color Ways
    oF ClOUD FloAt iN Ecstatic
    Transcendent wAYs
    of Experiencing
    And it’s like the
    Cat who was once Feral
    and aLWAYs SeaRches for
    A New source of Water and
    Tender Vittles never taking any
    thing for Granted.. Stay in Boot
    Camp from the end of the beginning
    of a true Adventure of Life away from
    stagnate sitting spoiled and rotten half
    eaten and never finished apple.. NoW to Nourish
    the SoUL eVeN HiGher as Apple of ArT and KNowLedge
    under the Force and Power oF Love and Grace of course yes..
    with some Strength and WILL oN Course to Power the Entire
    Masterpiece oF HUMaN BeiNG TEMple of ArT and Science2
    aka the Verb of all that is NoW that is the Nature LiVinG aLiVe
    within us that some folks restrict to only a three letter word named GoD..:)

  14. Hmm.. Before i head on over
    to Xenia and Frank’s
    Place.. wonder if
    ‘you’ get some
    kind of
    for Creating
    the Longest Long
    Form Poem exceeding
    1.8 Million Words twice
    in 47 Months and just around
    400K Words overall from doing
    it againx3.. anyWay.. Like BriTney says..
    “Longest Long Form Poem coMes aGaiN”
    yes.. Oops.. i Did/Do iT aGaiN CoMinG on Monday 7.17.17..
    And Now.. i have a title for ‘that’ 117/788th MacroVerse NoW2..;)

    Haiku: Moon Blessing

    Thunder.. Hay.. Buck..
    Goodness.. i missed
    all three Nicknames
    And Holy and Sacred
    Full of Meaning and
    Purpose Names of
    the Full Moon
    of 7.9.17
    but never
    too late to Celebrate..:)
    Thanks for
    the rEmiNder
    As Howl togETheR
    alWays SearcHinG for
    More Packs oF FuN..;)

    Tanka: Call Of The Wild

    iNnate iNstinct
    iNtuition Verses
    KNoWledge iN Skills
    And Abilities MosT
    Dogs KNoW
    Books oF hUmans
    iN FeeL and SeNSE
    aS Most Humans Forget..
    CaLL oF WiLd Free HeRitAGe..:)

    Weekly Photo Challenge: Collage

    SMiLes.. Xenia.. as Dogs
    BRinG Experience as
    Run of Return
    oF BaLL GaMes
    STiLL to
    Play of
    LiFe away
    From Stress wHeRe
    A onLY Goal aWay from
    fight or flight liFe aGainst
    Predator and Prey is NoW
    A Life oF BaLanCinG PLaY
    WiTh ReST oF NoW
    LiVinG NOW.. So.. NoW2
    Other than that as alWays
    Nice to drop by and Visit
    yoU FriEnd.. my output is
    Dropping a little bit with
    A Big Blue Sky out thEre And
    surEly YouR DoGS are MoTiVaTinG
    more to get out and play More outside
    of walls.. ceilings.. keyboards and shiny screens as
    A Sun Shines so Bright oF LiGht as i bask more iN thAT Morn NOW..:)

    The Bed in the Forest — #writephoto Peace

    sMiLes.. mY FriEnd..
    Pain and Pleasure
    War and Peace
    Over Lays
    Closely Related
    Emotional and Sensory
    Places of the Mind And
    Body for Survive and Thrive..
    alWAys Good to Remember A
    Tribal Animal Inside to Never
    Forget A Price Of Love and Free
    iN War and Peace
    aS Passion’s
    Wolf CaLLs
    FuLL MooN NiGht..:)

    The Interior of the Puddle

    Mud PuddleS noW
    Reflections oF endless
    Shimmer aS iNFiNiTy
    DayS iN Asphalt
    uP Mud
    Worry AwAY
    Cool Refreshing
    PooL.. ReSort from dARk..:)

    One-Liner Wednesday — Talking About Love

    Moves oF Emotions
    Emotions Of Senses
    Art iNFiNiTies
    No Limits
    or Expectations
    As New Moves oF
    LoVe arT aS DAncE
    SonG ForEVer LiVes aNew..
    Then the Poetry coMes aLivE..:)
    Hi.. Frank.. Wonderfully
    Inspiring Poetry you
    Create as alWays
    mY friEnd
    as thiS eveN more..:)

  15. EvilivE Hidden over
    Guise oF BelieF
    MoRe apParenT
    As Days Go oN iN dARk…

    Anyone around the Entire
    Globe with any Common
    Sense of Empathy and
    as Love
    can see this
    as Love awakens
    Greater now for those who see EvilivE.

    The Declaration of Independence
    and the Constitution of the United
    States is surely a Force of Freedom
    to STiLL laud and applaud as a much
    better way of life than what came before
    but the heart of selfish and greedy men is
    what has come since the Vietnam War and
    Nixon and Reagan and yes the ClintonS and
    yes BushES and now the Trump of all of that
    who hopefully inspires the antithesis of all those
    administrations that sully the Face of Honor and
    Integrity and Character NoW of Men upon Granite
    Mountain Stone of
    great STiLL for
    Freedom’s LiGht
    STiLL.. yes.. the
    Constitution of
    the United
    the Declaration
    of Independence is
    the only Lamp Left
    of a Foundation more
    than Selfish Greed away from Free.

    For one who understands that God is all that is wHole NoW
    and we are pArT oF GoD as Equal Partners of Existence
    ExpresSinG GoD sKeYes Differently as Finger Prints and
    Art of the Entire Master Piece of God WiLL surELy do
    unfettered and free.. i discount no source of Existence
    as no less than what will bRinG a Master Piece paRT
    of Me Greater to Fruition NoW as the Words above
    are haha.. seriously inspired by the Facebook
    EN Name Test thingy.. yes.. i realize the
    EN stands for English but that
    too in Acronym way as
    a symbol of beauty
    inspires me too
    for i see NoW aLL
    God in all of Existence
    in the number 1 and
    the Letter Z and
    the Grain of
    yet to
    be seen
    by hUmaN
    eYes that comes
    NexT iN the heArT
    and SpiRit oF MiNd
    and BoDy SoUL iN BaLanCE
    that goeS wheRE no one has
    gONe beFoRE but GoD aLL
    NoW PaRT wHole in
    GoD sKeYes even
    more iN
    of Love and Free..
    Fearless of course as
    Dance and Sing with no
    Paint by number instructions
    for the NoW of Free as just anoTheR
    SonG and DancE to hit a print of paGE..

    So.. anyWay.. the Ego Booster Facebook Tester
    Brings 7 Songs suggested from my Facebook
    Profile History as all about me.. ranging
    from Alice Cooper’s Poison to Alive by
    Pearl Jam as the list moves on to..
    My way by Frank Sinatra to Wild
    Heart by Stevie Nicks to
    Back in Black by
    AC/DC to the
    Subject SonG
    HeAR oF Inspiration
    of Belief by John
    Mayer to finally
    Here i go again
    by White Snake
    as Lone
    Creativity will
    Continue to Howl at
    the Moon to find the
    Omega Outcast Wolves
    wHo continue to rise to Alpha
    Star More.. As Freedom aLways
    Dances and Sings on With Wings
    Unfettered by Group think of Belief
    No matter how harmful that Belief comes
    to even those who Believe.. Catch 22 as they
    ‘say’.. for those afraid of Being outcast NoW from
    Group think to Go where the Risen Phoenix as outcast
    of Before has already been in ashes and conquered in self actualization
    wHOle WiTh God as all that is.. so in other words.. sure.. i understand
    what Group Think Fears.. Literally the potential oF Social Isolation
    even if people
    Laud the
    from Highest
    Leaders of their
    Pack.. the Omega
    Wolves FeeL and
    SenSE Better for
    they escape Ignorance
    of Pack.. FReED and enJoy
    NoW the HOwL of the MiDniGht
    LiT MooN and yes.. of course.. A
    Call of the WiLd thAT God BRinGS
    to those who set themselves Free now
    from the Fear NoW of literally losing
    the Neurohormone Oxytocin and feeling
    that lonely Numb within.. Omega Wolves
    Already conquer that numb WitH ALiGHT oF GoD FReED..:)

    WeLL iT’s TrUe.. A Karmic Eye for “LOnE WoLF sKeYes oF LoVE”
    is back aGaiN.. matter oF faCT tHaT and wHo never leFT
    the Stage in Exit way.. juST.. a Curtain Guise CoVeRinG
    A Wizard oF oZ as Metaphor of course for the
    HeaVeN of RainBoW GOld LiVing WiThiN
    as FeaRLeSS smART UnCoNDiTioNaL LoVE
    Never Beginning
    or Ending
    FiNIsH eVeR
    Yes.. Forevermore.. Yes.. sort of the opposite
    LiGht RaveN Poe TaLe aS DaY oF GolD Always NoW..
    so.. if the Jesus of/that the Fundamentalist Christians
    really does come back now as ‘they’ are wishing so hard
    in an Apocalypse that ends the world in Fire wHeRE those
    who did/DO not clothe the least among them were told to pull ‘those’
    BootStraps up with Mental Illness on the Side of the Road
    and taunted for being FreeLoaders without a Money
    Changing Temple Cent of Sin inside their
    pockets.. yes.. if those so
    Called Christians
    Age Jesus
    who actually
    had/has the Fire of
    Love within his eyes now
    how would they excuse the
    great need to extinguish Health
    Care Potential for 22 Million Folks
    that could lead to somewhere between
    100K to 200K DeathS in Disability and
    other ways of Pain and Misery Suffering
    more.. not unlike those Innocents killed
    in Sand numbering more than 100K to
    tear a country down and rebuild
    it for profit for small
    and selfish men
    of Greed
    with tiny
    hands of
    HeART and
    Spirit and
    BLacK HolE
    heaRTless Chainy
    BRinG oF deViL SoUL..
    sure.. could this man Jesus
    have Mercy even on someone
    like the Dick Chainy then or even
    the Trump of current dARk whOle
    SoUL.. i WiLL say even yes now too..
    but if they hold true to what their
    Book says they are going down in
    the Fire of the sAMe Ship
    in the
    already exist iN..
    done deal as they
    say.. the cards they
    Bring as Reap of Sown
    is the SouL they already LiVe..
    so clear for those oF uS who live the promised
    reward as simply a reap and sow oF Heaven NoW..
    soW in other words.. i don’t have to lift a least piNky finger..
    for ‘they’
    they do
    as Karma
    as either BeacH
    or B88tcH within one
    creates as Love or Hate Now
    in other words of course Jesus
    F iN Christ it’s Common SeNse and
    FeeL.. tHeRe is No esCaPinG MoTHeR
    NaTuRE pLuS as GoD For Wonder WoMaN
    aS Such BRinGinG you/them/us/ours the choice of
    Sword or Bread of Life.. Manna as ‘they’ DanceSinG
    too in eYes of LoVe and Grace and WiLL and Strength
    TrUe LovE FearLess smArT FReED Wonder WoMaN Lives Within aLiVe
    with no restraint
    As Nature within
    YoU NoW eVEr NoW..
    FucK yoursElF uP2..
    it’s reaLLy As SimPle
    aS the Human Nature
    Capstone of Pyramid that is LoVe

    So one didn’T geT ‘the mEmo’?
    Hope and Love in Company oF JoY is Heaven.
    Fear and Hate in Company of Misery and Suffering is Hell.

    Do any of those folks
    who have a hand in
    ‘that’ really seem
    Happy.. Does one
    why Misery
    Loves Company
    so much with Fear
    and Hate.. Look to Heaven
    if one can and WiLL NoW and
    jUST do Hope and Love iN Company
    of Joy or Reap what one sowS in tHaT OtheR
    Place often flavored with empty power and status.

  16. Now that an appropriate Tribute
    is done for the dArk
    and liGht
    of LiFe
    yes.. the
    AC/DC as
    ‘they’ Dance
    And Sing too..
    NoW.. off to all Free
    Facebook Algorithm
    Provided Memories
    from year to date
    in MacroVerse
    ways too as Free
    Verse Poetry Dances
    And Sings on loose in
    whatever FeeLs and
    SenSeS in LiGht
    of eMoTioNs
    SenSes NoW..
    But First to line up
    all the Memories in Multi-tabs
    of iMaC Big all in one Screen
    and Computer Brain of 27.1
    Diagonal Inches oF LiGht MoRe NoW..
    as i continue to BrinG thE LiGht of Love
    out of the touch of mY heaRT and
    SpRinG sPiRiT oF GoD soUL paRT
    wHole WitHin SuNShiNe MoRE NoW2..
    sure otherwise kNoWn aS mY sELF..;)

    When the Architect MEETS THE ORACLE

    “When the Architect MEETS THE ORACLE”.. MacroVerse Memory from
    three years ago.. just another AC/DC Duality of Life that stands
    to be BaLanCinG FoRcE Better from K11 to H8 per
    Architect and Oracle out of “Matrix Trilogy”
    Lore again where ArTist of InTuiTioN
    cOMes OnE WiTH Science of
    Systemizing Reason too
    oNe ALL.. and
    a classic early
    New Age
    Pose with Wolf
    Grey not so whitie
    tighties as ‘they’ say..
    as what better Artistici
    iNTuiTive ExpreSsinG SpiRiT
    oF HeART Force iN MiNd and
    BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL than
    the scantily clad Middle Nude Age
    Male NoW to express thAT NoW2
    more fully with
    less on
    i must say
    for those Non-
    Victorian Folks unafraid
    of Vicki’s Secret.. yes Vicki
    gets all sensual in her undies too
    aLIVe and WeLL eVen ViBrAnt as ‘they’ say..
    oTheR than that it’s kind of Hilarious overall
    and sort of a parody and sort of not too as with
    enough practice even an ‘older’ Dude can become
    a ‘David’ in the Flesh too.. practice practice practice
    posing for a Mirror in New Age Selfie way cutting
    the Middle Man or Woman oF Sculptor out of
    an ArT Project of jUST one MaN or WomaN eTc..
    ET aL.. yes.. all OTheRS too in GoDNeW Variation oF aRT
    or naked nastiness day as the Wife Katrina often gigs it on Thursday2..
    LasHinG me with Giggles as Man wHore and sLuT and such as thaT..
    like Jesus
    said in Verse
    37 of the Gospel
    of Thomas as reported
    by whoever wrote that..
    i didn’t fall asleep in Class.
    and if one does NoT Dance
    the SonG oNe withers away and
    sure.. so does God within in Terms oF LiGht toward dARk..
    seT yoursELf Free per the CaLL oF GOD as Born or NoT..Y..NoT..;)

    Is it time for another SonG..
    aPPeaRinGlly NoT QuiTe YeT..;)

    The Quest for UNdomestication!

    “The Quest for UNdomestication!”.. sure now we are in Parody Land or
    Blurred Lines as Robin Thicke once reported in Dance and SonG way
    with Legs of Lamb Fresh and Domesticated and jiggly firm Breasts
    of Young Models in topless way too on a mainstream YouTube Video
    albeit with an unrated caution clearly visible at start for those
    who might be offended of what’s yet to come.. and that
    in turn is in paRT what my input and sure a ‘little’
    output is about in this MacroVerse from three
    Years ago too.. pushing the edge of
    blurred lines i surely did and
    still do in some ways
    albeit all legal
    to Local and
    State and U.S. Federal
    Laws regarding the First
    Ammendment Rights to Freedom
    of Expression and sure.. local community
    rules that can vary a little bit in blurred lines too..
    Particularly in the Poetry World as Female Nudes
    A oK in even erotic Nude ArT view to accompany
    Poetry for folks to share and view butt when
    it comes to much less scantily clad
    Males than this as this is surely
    not something i would
    include to share
    intently with
    an older
    Group of Elder
    Poet Ladies.. the Hypocrisies
    are clear women traditionally
    have been sold for commercial
    art in the ways of Nudes and Men
    went out of vogue about the Days of the
    Victorian Age where the Bust of Apollo standing
    upon my Desk from Chest Up along with Hebes
    the Goddess of Female Youth also Known Now
    as the “Age of Adaline” and Katrina too still
    Pea Picking at age 47 in shorts of Eternal
    Female Age LooKinG Youth.. yes.. the
    Full Sculpture of Apollo had
    his concrete sculpted
    Penis Chopped off
    as for some reason
    folks still fear the Male
    Penis in works of ART.. too.. sure there
    are reasons for that that i clearly understand
    as men traditionally in physical Strength have a
    Certain Privilege of Unfair advantage to take advantage
    of non-consensual situations but Jesus F iN Christ i am
    a Married 57 year old man now and 54 years old then.. IN Nudist
    Camps you often find folks my age there too as they have gotten
    over adolescent fears of who is gonna do what when they get all naked as such..
    and sure with the rage of Puberty Hormones those fears are surely valid but much later
    in your 50’s if you haven’t seen it all and are used to it by now.. i guess you haven’t lived..
    and ever got comfortable in your Naked Skin.. i think that’s sad but i surely understand
    as i could have never stood Naked in front of the World until i truly became fearless and
    God and
    yes this is
    the reason most
    folks do the Nudist
    Camp thingy to become
    one with Nature and God
    sAMe as it’s been a Long time
    since the Pacifier of Diaper to keep shit in
    and all the cultural and religious and other
    lies of separation from God of Nature anywhere
    else but within the Temple of God we FeeL and SeNsE BeST..
    when Free
    all the clothes
    of Culture with
    no shame as treading
    on them as such not unlike
    what the Gospel of Thomas
    Verse 37 clearly relates..
    Good advice
    for those
    FeeL and
    SenSE GoD wHY NoW as iS..NoW..:)

    Time for
    Will NoW too.

    Re: Hi… I’m Back

    “Re: Hi… I’m Back”.. Need i say more.. perhaps the SonG
    by George Burns says iT aLL as when one Focuses
    iN FloW iN ZonE in Ecstatic Transcendent FLoW
    oF ZeN-LiKe BeiNG iN aLL ArTs iNCluDinG
    Free Verse PoeTry DancE and SonG
    and MuSiC and sure even
    Arts like Photography
    and of course the
    Tantric arTS
    of Flesh
    and Blood
    Temple of God
    WiTh and aS GoD
    allone paRT wHole WiThiN..
    iNside.. outside.. above.. so below
    iN SpirALinG FloW eVen MoRE NoW2..
    anYWay in the Archetype of the Human
    Hero Story it’s true as usual the Hero
    coMes BacK From DaRk Into the
    Light and does his or her..
    eTc’s.. BeST to ShaRE
    what i LeArned iN
    the dARk toward
    eVeN Greater
    Light NoW WitH
    OtHeRS and the
    true ignorance is
    relegating an actual
    Archetypal experience
    to just one person as favorite
    Quarterback or whatever as this
    is the potential Inheritance sTiLL
    as the Meek Inherit the EaRth as Givers
    instead of Takers as the Heroes Do come aGaIn
    this way.. it’s pretty simple.. if ‘they’ take instead of give
    they are more likely to be a villain than a Hero.. particularly
    if all they do is lie lie lie to build up a self that has never even
    come once in this lifetime now as self actualization to give more than take.

    66 Weeks of Neo Green Rave Dance

    Yep.. time for another Song for “66 Weeks of Neo Green Rave Dance”.. 66 weeks
    of Rave-like Dance with all the Cool College Age Folks and more time in front of a
    toughest Nihilist Audience perhaps anywhere online on the Wrong Planet Site..
    And dealing still with a Poetry Pub online too that couldn’t take
    as much Free Verse Poetry as i was still to bRinG
    iN LiterAlly MilLioNs of more words then..
    too big to fit in.. too big to see..
    STiLL heAR as this
    Sycamore Tree
    to shrink
    to the size of
    expectations and
    limits of others who
    are not quite Luke Hot as
    i AM about pressing and expanding
    the Borders of Human Potential away
    from Walls of Stagnate paint by numbers art
    in forms that have already come that and who
    refuse to break out of what is done before.. true..
    some folks are more conservative as Social Scientist
    Jonathan Haidt on the cutting edge of this Human Science
    does relate will naturally be more disgusted at a work of Art
    of David than someone with a more open mind for the Art of Change..
    it’s hard to go it alone in any area of life as that is antithetical for a
    so-called Normal Social Empathic Compassionate Animal like
    Human Beings on Average Naturally are when Naked LoVinG
    Free in a Village of a relatively small number of Human
    Beings who share and give with the child as the
    prize of all no matter who the Father and
    Mother are as integral pART
    of future
    and Thrive
    of the Entire
    Village as a present
    of Love to be Natured and
    Nurtured same as WiLd and
    LoVinG Free.. so.. anywaY as the
    so-called Sacred and Holy Numbers
    continue to FloW iN zoNe FuLL of Meaning
    And Purpose as the Longest Long Form Poem
    identified on Google anywhere i am aware of as
    Match for the Mahābhārata in size of Free Verse
    Poem of 1.8 Million Words as coming again on
    7.17.17 in Terms and photos and Youtube
    Music Videos and other links too..
    in this New Transhumanist
    Electronic Age assisting
    all of hUmaN PoTenTaL
    as Caesar Apes WorKinG
    Stronger than Ever toGeTher
    iN Fearless sMaRT UnConDiTioNaL
    Love as trUly a War of Words of Love agAInsT
    overall hate.. tonight is my 169th Dance Week
    with all those Cool College Age Folks at Seville
    Quarter since 66 weeks of doing that 2 years ago..
    Missing three Thursday Nights often made up on another
    Day of those Missed Thursday NiGht Weeks too.. and surely
    made in many other places of public too as 7700 Miles of Doing
    that in this 47th Month along with all 5 Million Words or so of “SonG
    oF mY SoUL” Ocean wHole Poem that with itself as one LonG Form
    Poem of which this Current MacroVerse Writing is 787 MacroVerses
    Long Housing NetherLand Bible to surpass 1.8 Million words to birth
    a Second Child of Long Form Poem as Large as the Centuries taken
    Effort and Innumerable Creative Minds of WriTing in just a period
    of 13.6 months by 7.17.2017.. and as surely as Osiris
    and Isis and Horus make up one of the oldest
    Archetypal Myths of the Hero Story
    i as Actor For GoD also
    Ocean wHole as pART
    as Wave continues
    that tradition
    of BeinG
    HUMaN HeAR
    that is not only
    cultural abstract constructs
    but an innate Human Construct
    too as evolved genetically through
    the struggles of all our ancestors in
    Literally Billions of Years too..sure.. down
    to the Ancestor aS STaR DuST in Gaseous
    Clouds that we STiLL cOme FroM as senTieNT
    StAR duST PLuS stAndinG H8 TaLL inFinity 8
    as two ones Bridge as the 11 to symbol H
    in alpha Numerical K11 way NoW too
    too sure2
    11 iN 7 NoW
    Even MorE NoW
    as the 7 Celestial
    Objects once only
    seen with the Naked eye
    as Bright Moon and Six Planets
    too.. are now an entire Science Aided
    eYe of more than a Quadrillion Points of
    LiGht in what can and WiLL bE Seen of
    NatuRe whOle as UnivERse in Numbers
    of StaRs AboVe all with the PoTentiaL
    to fire burst in crucible of Star
    Death iN Resurrection
    come again aS
    aS SuN
    to FloWeRs
    as SenTiEnt
    StaR duST PlUS
    Essence of LiVinG
    GoD aRises in oThER
    ForMs oF BEinG Ways..:)

    Napoleon Syndrome

    “Napoleon Syndrome’.. Could StaRT with a T but in My
    Case an F of no Limits i Men Jesus F in Christ
    do think ‘they’ were just kidding
    about John 14:12.. anyway
    considering last MacroVerse
    two years ago has me pictured
    with an absolutely Gorgeous
    Young Woman who in less
    than two years into
    my Journey
    assessed me then
    as a Pensacola Icon
    as such after i literally
    was a Shut-in in my Bedroom
    for 66 Months just four years ago too..
    ending for Miraculous Recovery then when
    it old the Nihilists at the Wrong Planet that there
    would not even be a sky for limits for me as there
    are no limits with ART beyond the Word Infinite as
    there are measures that can be truly made for pure
    original Creative ArT of BeinG HUmaN NoW iN Flow
    in ZoNe wheRe as Katy Perry says in her SonG
    ET every move becomes MaGiC and sure
    Months earlier i had already been
    assessed by the viewing audience
    as MVP and Legend of
    Dance then and even
    an awesome inspiration
    by a Lovely Young Lady
    in a Mall Store more excited
    to meet me than i would ever
    imagine anyone to be after what
    i had been through before already
    in 66 months of literal Hell on eARTh..
    you See Napoleon Dynamite Developed
    his Special Interest of DanCing FictioNaLLy
    Lone as obviously someone clearly somewhere
    on at least a Broader Phenotype Spectrum of Autism
    too.. as a Human Far beyond what folks name as the
    Norm of Being hUmaN too.. he then didn’t let it get him
    down either and sure.. the ‘gentlemen’ in the Crowd were
    not impressed much by my dance either until they saw how the
    Female Audience responded too in greater adoration greater still..
    A trULy Fearless Original Creative Person not afraid to Dance in Public
    is as rare and even more rare than a snow flake in the LA Lower Alabama
    Florida Panhandle of FLowErs STiLL as it does not look like we will be soon getting
    anymore snowflakes at the current warming rate of Flowers year round without a break..
    i Live on a Mountain top of sorts of not only Emotional Regulation butt Sensory Integration
    too.. i’ve surely and verily prepared my self for the Environment Still to come as Change..
    i suggest
    the same
    in more than
    little Trump man ways
    of course as only metaphor
    as trust me.. the most powerful
    Love comes in relativELy smAll ‘packages’..
    sure.. big bangs and all of ‘that’ too STiLL oN CourSe..;)

    Dancing with the EYE of the Tiger and Sleeping NUDE!

    Yes now for a Song Change again.. and someone get ‘that’ phone please.. investigate
    the noise hehe.. as ‘they’ say.. Be Free Be WiLd and when the most beautiful Girl
    in the Club comes up to Dance with you Three years ago smile and sure
    smile again when she comes back months later and kisses you
    on the cheek for no other reason but respect in respect
    of your Artistic Freedoms unleashed as any
    Call of the Wild
    of NatuRe
    pLuS as GoD
    too WiLL SuReLY
    Do WiLd and FReED
    too hand iN Hand
    as Champion(S)
    oF LiGhT
    pART wHole
    Ocean one so do
    i have a personable
    relationship WiTh GoD
    TRUE iN LiGht inseparable
    Ocean WhOle wE aRE and
    So Are You iF you ROAR too
    wiTh the eYe of the HumaN TiGeR
    SeT Free as UnCoNDiTioNaL SmART And
    FeaRLeSs Love NoW From the Grain
    of Sand thaT and WhO hOlds thAt
    MounTaiN ToP of GoD’s GifT
    oF LoVe to and
    NaTurE NoW
    sure another Kiss
    for a WiLD cAT NOW aS
    CapStONe Pyramid CoMeS bAcK aGaiN..
    “Dancing with the EYE of the Tiger and Sleeping NUDE!” ..;)

    God is a Hamster

    “God is a Hamster”.. Hmm.. i thiNK thAT iN ParT
    iS whAT ‘they’ nAMe as Click Bait but never
    the less paRT of and aS GoD wHoLe
    as hAMsters CoMe
    aGaiN too..
    two years
    ago too in
    this MacroVerseToo..
    with oh Lord.. more ‘fun’
    with the Nihilists on the Wrong Planet..;)

    Constantine and Palestine

    “Constantine and Palestine”.. For one.. just a reminder
    that there were a few MacroVerses i made…
    particularly three years ago
    where Daily publishes
    were the norm
    where no
    photos were
    included too in this
    short Discussion among
    Muslim Friends about God too..
    yes.. the God of Nature and not words/books alone..:)

    HopE LoVE ISraEL

    “HopE LoVE ISraEL” and sure.. Starting in May of 2016 most
    every MacroVerse is somewhere around 15K words.. but
    that’s what you do if one is gonna create a Full
    Pyramid of Words in the Golden
    PHI Mean of 1.618 Million words
    in precisely one
    year from
    Day of 2016
    through the
    Next Memorial
    Day of 2017 too..
    in a ‘PHI Bible’ isREaL2
    a SonG2 to kinda relate
    how the Sun of that is
    Shining again too NoW sTiLL..
    WitH more fUn Deep Forest Nature
    Photos and Dance photos that accompany
    every MacroVerse from Old Seville Quarter
    continuing NoW since May of 2016.. Muse
    of Dance alWays iN huMaN Flesh and Blood too..:)

    “Time… Love… Will…”.. PreMacroVerse with ‘Revelation 66’
    CoMinG after thiS iN PArT and WhOle and linked again in
    the 117th MacroVerse of Nether Land Bible 2017 too.. to be
    A “Longest Long Form Poem Bible coMes aGaiN”
    as also 788th MacRoVerse aS “SonG oF mY
    soUL” once again in number way of
    1.8 Million words and
    5 Million or so words
    oF LonG ForM Double
    Team Effort in World Record
    Way too as recorded in Google Way now too..:)

    Catching 711

    “Catching 711”.. again from two years ago.. Biloxi
    Beaches and Casino Trip on the Catholic
    Church Tour Bus.. as well as more
    Wrong Planet
    as i come
    to the Finish point
    of this “LOnE WoLF sKeYes oF LoVE”..
    116th/787 MacroVerse to try to get in some
    Holy and Thursday R and R Activities although
    it’s almost 3:13 PM and running a little
    behind with Write over flesh
    and blood R and R Activities
    alBeiT CoMinG SooN
    CulMiNaTinG too
    at Seville
    Quarter on this
    169th Dance
    Week Night with
    all the Cool College Age
    Folks there with Photos CoMinG
    heAR in the wee hours of Friday Morning too..:)

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